Apr 21, 2013 10:58
The problem isn't that toddlers are being fed breast milk. But the problem is that they're being breastfed as if they're not capable of holding their own sippy cup! Breast milk is awesome for
Babies & toddlers, but isn't it in someway detrimental to their development, physically, cognitively and emotionally if you insist in having them attached to the breast? If their hands and arms are strong enough and they've made the connection to lift a cup to their mouth when they are hungry or thirsty, why not encourage that & nurture them to be independent?
I feel that breastfeeding after they're cognitively developed enough to do this on their own, creates an unhealthy dependence. I think that this practice is more of a crutch for the mother and unnecessary to the child.
By all means feed your babies & toddlers breast milk, but give them a sippy cup as soon as they're able to handle it. Especially since they have teeth! No need to torture yourself.
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