Old profile

Aug 28, 2012 13:15


Name: Jacob Levi
Age: 27
Played by: Seth Rogen
Power: Florakinesis
Birthplace: New York City, USA
Height: 5ft8
Build: Stocky, out of shape.
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Tattoos: None
Scars: On his elbow when he broke his arm as a child.
Style: Jeans, t-shirts, sweaters, sneakers, the average casual clothes.
Accent: North American English
Other: He wears glasses all the time.
Good traits:Cheerful, bright, nice, jokester, easy-going, mischievous, talented guitar player, down to earth.
Bad traits: Indecisive, cowardly, doesn’t take things seriously, smokes too much weed, can go too far with his jokes, irresponsible, can be insensitive and offensive.
Fears: Clowns
Likes: Guitars, music, movies, weed, standup comedy, funny movies, junk food, computers, road trips, beer, women, gambling, comics.
Dislikes: Clowns, Stephen King’s IT, suits, responsibility, being told to act like an adult, being bored, poetry.
Parents: Richard & Esther Levi.
Siblings: Joey Levi (Older brother)
Brief bio:Jacob Levi was born and raised in New York by his parents, restaurant owners Richard and Esther Levi. He had a pretty normal childhood, did well in school, and was forced to help out his parent’s at their business. Being a fat kid with glasses earned Jacob some attention from the school bullies and to cope, Jacob started acting out and became the class clown. Everything seemed to be joke for Jacob and his parents relentlessly lectured him that he needed to be more responsible like his older brother Joey.

Naturally that fostered some resentment between Joey & Jacob. Once Jacob graduated highschool, he didn’t do much of anything except work an occasional shift at the restaurant, mooch off his hardworking parents and get high with his stoner friends. This went on until Jacob was twenty three and his parents had had enough and kicked him off of their house. Jacob was forced to get a real job and luckly had enough skills with computers to land himself a low paying technician’s position in at an office building. Something to do with insurance, Jacob wasn’t really sure but it was an ideal job aside from the low pay. Whenever he wasn’t fixing computers, Jacob pretty much got to goof off.

He also moved into a small three room apartment with five of his friends and two of their girlfriends. Not an ideal situation but at least he had friends to get high with and they did have awesome parties. So Jacob’s life went on, his roommates changing periodically as they grew older and more mature while Jacob was stuck in his rut of work, party, sleep, video games, work routine. Finally Jacob even got sick of this and decided he needed a change and moved to London. Living on his own was harder so Jacob ended up taking on two jobs. Jacob works full as an IT technician at Harpers Insurance and part time as a server at The Breakfast Club. He also grows weed on the side which he sells at his apartment.

He discovered his powers a month ago and while is stoked to have a superpower, Jacob can't but feel florakinesis is kinda lame. It's helped with his side business of growing pot but he doesn't see much use in being able to make flowers grow.
I am not Seth Rogen and Jacob Levi is an original character I created. This is a roleplay journal and I am not making any money.
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