Nov 06, 2004 19:01
Seven things in your room:
1- bed
2- magazine collage on the walls...
3- mirror...
5- sterio
6- my drum haha!
7- cds
Top seven things you say most:
1- bite me
2- kick ass
3- ta ta
4- for christ!
5- ::stares clulessly::
Do You:
Smoke? nope
Do drugs? nope
Read the newspaper?: umm no
Pray: yes
Have a Job: nope
Attend Church: yep
Have you ever:
Gone skinny dipping?: hehe yea
Had a medical emergency?: yes
Had surgery?: nope
Swam in the dark?: yes...
Been to a Bonfire?: noooot really
Got Drunk?: haha NEVER
Ran away from home?: not quite
Played strip poker: muahahhaha
Gotten beaten up?: nu ugh
Beaten someone up?: nope
Slept outdoors?: yes...i love outside.
Pulled an all nighter?: yup
Been on radio/tv?: yes! hahahhaha.
Been in a mosh-pit?: yeahhhh
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: yes. they are mucho aaaawesome
Wallet?: yup.
Coffee?: yes ma'am
Cologne/Perfume: yummy
In the last 24 Hours have you....:
Cried: yes
Bought something: nope
Gotten sick: no.
Sang: "and ive seen what youre doing...destroying puppet strings to my soul...."
Been kissed: no
Felt stupid: yeah
Talked to an ex: yes
Talked to someone you have a crush on: yes
Missed someone: yes
Hugged someone: yes
Ever dated someone younger than you? i wouldnt call it dating...
Someone older? hehe..ya
Been in love? is for wimps
Loved someone whom you knew you couldn't have? *wanted* someone i couldnt have is more like it
Gotten in a car accident? yes...
Had your heart broken? i think so. more pulped than broken.
Cheated on someone? never
Get along with x boyfriends? um, its a bi polar thing
Been cheated on? i think not. never know.
Last time you cried? today.. it was out of happiness though
Last time you laughed? friday...with manda/kristen
What age do you see yourself getting married at? hopefully never
Favorite band? the used, matchbook romance...
Describe your dream wedding? *sigh* if at a garden?? duh i dont even question
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal with you? no..
If you could dye your hair with one color, what would it be? blonde, just for the lauphs
Pet Peeves? i am SO impatient...
Do you eat chicken with fingers or with a fork? dugh fingers
Have a best friend? no, and it sux
Would you rather give or receive? ostrich
Where and how many homes have you lived in? 2
Night or Day? night
Favorite smell? my gramma
Do you play any musical instruments? nope...learning the drums though
Do you get along with your parents? yes, i love my parents
Do you drive? as much as a i can
Whats your favorite color? green
Do you work? nope
Favorite thing to eat? chicen and mashed potatoes
Who was your first crush? derrick (ew!)
Are you the romantic type? i suppose
Dating anyone? no
Are you happy? perhaps
What are you going to do after this? sit