Adventure day

Jan 08, 2007 23:34

So today was Luke's last day in town. Maybe his last visit on leave until he is out of the Army in 14 months. So I took the day off and we went out adventuring. We grabbed a little lunch at the Taco Shop, which is the greatest greasy taco joint of all time. Then we went out to kill time. We stopped to look for ammunition for Will's rifle at a sporting goods store. It was then we came across the greatest typographical error in the history of man. Well, that, or technology has advanced beyond my knowledge and I really need to catch up:

Ho-ly-shit huh? We were laughing pretty hard. Immaturity frequently wins.

Then we went to another sporting goods store. I went off to find shoes. So, I looked around and didn't see anything particuarly OMG I MUST HAVE THESE SHOES, but I found a nice pair, which I tried on and and definitely purchased:

Not bad, right? While I was waiting for the dude to come out, though, I found an even better pair. I couldn't wait for him to get back so he could grab them for me. I was getting these come hell or high water. And yeah, I bought two pairs of shoes. Fuck it, these are so worth it:

Oh man I keep looking at them and I'm so impressed every time. I love shoes.

Holiday party in full effect tomorrow. I think I need it, I'm kinda bummed that Luke is leaving again.
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