(no subject)

Nov 05, 2006 23:45

It's November already? What the fuck. Even more shocking, our weather foreacast. After a week full of cold winds and freezing rain, it looks like we may get another "heat wave:" (Click for Celcius)

Look at that Tuesday weather. Maybe people can pick up their IDs and go out and vote. That would be swell now, wouldn't it? I don't think there will be any real shocks. And I don't think it'll bring any real change. But hey, that's my disillusionment talking, so please prove me wrong politicians.

It's my mom's birthday on Wednesday. I have no idea what to get her. She starts a new job tomorrow I believe. I hope it works out well for her. She seems excited. It's still pretty shitty she's 55 and has to make a career change. I wish somehow I could make shit easier for my parents. But I feel like I mostly just make it harder.

I'm dreading another week. I hope it goes fast. I need next weekend. I think I'm going to open a new bank account as well. That should be fun. Hooray for banking at a bank that didn't screw me at every turn for four years during my employment.

I've listened to lots of noise the last couple of days. Oh it's so catharctic.

I don't know why I'm trying to write, I mostly have nothing to say. Not tonight anyway.
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