People always say "drink the Kool-Aid" when in fact, that's factually incorrect. It was Flavor-Aid.

Jul 20, 2006 21:36

So there's this absolutely insufferable radio ad I keep hearing. It's for Rhino spray on pick-up truck bedliners. The guy starts out by saying "You spend a lot of time picking out your wife, and you can divorce her!! You have to live with your bedliner forever..." and basically without fail at this point I'm seething and ready to burn motherfuckers down. Then he goes on betelling the virtues of the above mentioned bed-liner (you can throw shit in your pickup truck and not scratch the bed is basically what it boils down to) and ends with "...and it don't nag!"  Just to hammer the point home let me add a big fat fuckin' (sic) here.

Now, this just pushes all these buttons. I mean, I kinda brush off most misogyny , I've listened to enough G-Funk to let that shit slide off my back, but the combination of the pandering-to-the-stupids grammar and comparing of a truck bed liner to a spouse given the fairly backwards ideals around this neck of the woods to fucking begin with and I'm a pot about ready to boil over with vicious nerdrage. The tragic "hilarity" of all this is that the people who would probably be sold on the liner due to this hilarious advertisement are the same people who were out there makin' sure that homuh sekshul marriage was made illegal in the state constitution. Because we've got to protect the sanctity of marriage and someone please think of the children. It's (unfortunately) not like gay marriage was really  "legal" to begin with. They just cut that one off at the pass. How about all this politicking get something fucking worthwhile accomplished for once, instead of idiotic proposals like banning gay marriage and making English the "official" US language. Meanwhile, gas prices have tripled in the last, oh, three years, wages are shitty, and the meth problem is getting out of control. Fuck it, let's tackle those softball issues, to keep ourselves in longer, so we can continue to legislate ourselves payhikes.

Oh and while I'm on it, this isn't something you'll hear me say very  often (not because I'm a backer of his, but only because I don't feel the need to lampoon every single action of the man), but George Bush what the fuck are you thinking? The veto (the first of his two terms) of the stem-cell research bill is idiotic. You've rubber stamped every other bill that's gone across your desk, but this one offends your religious morality. Please, go re-read the bill of rights. Pretty, pretty please. Science isn't fucking bad, despite what people, including my mother, would love people to believe.

Wow, I'm a rantmachine tonight, eh? I think it's those remaining pockets of bank-related frustration. Everything is on cruise at my new job so far. I'm ready for the weekend, though I've been showing up early to work every day. Early for an 8 am start. What the fuck,  I'm such a sushi bar.
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