Jul 18, 2011 18:09
Challenge Rules for Artists:
1. You are to create at lease one piece of art (graphics/fanmixes/vids/etc.) to accompany one of the Lambliff Big Bang stories.
2. Art can be of any type: original illustration, cover art, photo manip., etc.
3. Art or vid can be of any rating you choose (but out of consideration, it would be a good idea to consult with your writer before creating anything too explicit).
4. You will be able to consult with the writer on what you would like to do, or ideas that they had for the art. But, you will get the final say in what the art is.
5. You must post your art in your own journal or site, and then it will be added to the master post your author posts to the community. Your link must not go to a locked journal.
6. Art cannot be posted prior to your assigned posting date.
7. You cannot claim an author to work with before the Artist Claiming in December. If there is someone you have in mind, you will have to make sure you get to the claiming post in time to claim their summary.
8. As of right now, there is a limit of one artist per story. We have many more authors signed up than artists, and we want to make sure everyone gets art for their story! :)
To sign-up, please comment with the following:
1. Name/LJ username:
2. Email Address:
3. Format (e.g. fanart, fanmix, fanvid):
4. Are you willing to work with more than one story? Y/N
After signing up, make sure to join and watch the community so you don't miss any posts! Thanks for participating!
If you have any other questions please refer to the rules, or contact the mods at lambliffbigbang@gmail.com.
!round two,
!artist sign ups