The Little Things Pt 823/? (Forever After Sequel)

Apr 20, 2017 20:27

Chapter 823

lash Forward 2030

“Do you remember what you promised me?” Elle stood with her hands on her hips as she looked up at her Papa.
“No, but I'm sure you're going to remind me.”
“You said I could sing onstage with you,” Elle explained. “I've picked the perfect song.”
“Yeah,” Adam sighed as he gave Kris a look. “I don't know if tonight is a good night for that, baby girl. I mean there's a big crowd out there tonight.”
“And that's a bad thing?”
“It makes me nervous to see all those people,” Adam explained. “I don't want you getting nervous.”
“I don't do nerves,” Elle shrugged causing Kris to laugh.
“Are you sure she hasn't got some of my DNA in her?” Adam quizzed causing Kris to nod his head.
“I'm pretty sure.”
“So I want to sing Slow Ride,” Elle said tugging on Adam's elbow. “I know you know the words.”
“I do,” Adam smiled, “but do you know them?”
“I've been studying the Idol show,” Elle answered. “Plus I've seen lots of your fan videos of the tour. I'll be singing Auntie Allison's part.”
“And I'll be singing my part?” Adam asked.
“So we're doing it tonight?”
Adam looked across the hotel room at his husband. “Well?”
“I don't see how you can say no,” Kris shrugged.
“I guess we could switch around the songs a little,” Adam mused. “But you have to be at sound check for a rehearsal.”
“I'll be there,” Elle smiled. “I don't have to get my hair dyed until five.”
“No,” Adam and Kris said at the same time.
“You're not dying your hair red,” Adam said with a warning look.
“But Auntie Allison had red hair when she sang with you.”
“Auntie Allison wasn't nine,” Kris answered.
“And she wasn't our baby,” Adam added.
“Can I dye it black?”
“No,” Kris sighed. “I like you blonde.”
“Fine,” Elle sulked. “But when I turn sixteen, I'm dying it lots of colors.”
“Deal,” Kris and Adam said at the same time.

End of Flash Forward 2030

Flashback 2027

“Can I get my nose pierced?”
“No,” Kris and Adam answered at the same time.
“Please?” Elle pouted.
“No,” Kris and Adam repeated.
“Why not?”
“You're six,” Kris answered without looking up from his book.
“And that's a good enough reason,” Adam answered.
“Can I get my lip pierced?”
“My belly button?”
“Nope,” Adam answered as he flipped the page of his book.
“My tongue?”
“No,” Kris sighed.
“Well, what can I get pierced?”
“Nothing,” Adam answered.
“How can I be a rock star without having a piercing?” Elle grumbled.
“I don't have anything weird pierced,” Adam pointed out.
“And I'm still a rock star.”
“Yeah right,” Elle laughed causing Adam to look up from his book. “I mean... well... you don't need a piercing to be a good rock star.”
“Exactly,” Adam smiled. “And you don't either.”
“Fine,” Elle sighed as she throw herself down on Kris's knee. “But when I'm sixteen I'm getting everything pierced.”
“Deal,” Kris and Adam said at the same time.

End of Flashback 2027

Flash Forward 2030

“So have you enjoyed being on tour?” Kris asked as he took a seat next to Sebastian on the bus.
“When I get back to school I'm telling everyone I was part of the construction crew,” Sebastian said. “There is no way I'm telling them I was part of my Papa's clothing crew. Do you know I have to pull off my Papa's boots after every show?”
“I didn't know that,” Kris said trying his best to hide his smile.
“Did you know that Papa's feet sort of smell after his show.”
“Well I did know that,” Kris answered. “It's because he wears those big boots.”
“And he doesn't sleep after a show,” Sebastian continued. “When we're on the bus he's up all night talking, and if we're in a hotel he insists I share a room with him. He keeps saying I'm too young to have a hotel room of my own.”
“So the rock and roll lifestyle isn't for you then?”
“I can't wait to go home and get back to knocking people out,” Sebastian sighed. “Makeup and dancing really isn't for me.”
“You really are a boy, aren't you?”
“It's took you almost thirteen years to realize that?”
“Almost thirteen,” Kris mused. “Five more days and you will be thirteen. Looking forward to it?”
“As long as Papa doesn't keep his promise of getting me onstage for the crowd to sing happy birthday to me,” Sebastian grumbled.
“I'm sure he won't do it if you really don't want him to.”
“There is actually something I do want to do.”
“And what's that?”
“We're going to be in Vegas during my birthday...”
“And you want to go to a show?”
“I'm not Jacob,” Sebastian answered dryly.
“Well you can't gamble,” Kris mused. “So what else is there?”
“Boxing,” Sebastian answered. “Vegas is famous for it's fights.”
“It is?”
“You've been married to Papa far too long,” Sebastian sighed. “So can we go?”
“Go where?”
“To watch Jorge Ace and Henry O'Connor fight,” Sebastian answered.
“And they are?”
“Boxers,” Sebastian answered dryly. “They're boxers.”
“Oh,” Kris frowned. “Yeah, I guess we can go watch them. Do you want the whole family to go, or just me and your Papa?”
“Well with fights in Vegas they can last a few hours so...”
“So just me and your Papa then?”
“Yeah,” Sebastian laughed. “I don't see Jacob sitting that long when fashion isn't involved.”
“And you know Elle will complain.”
“And you don't want some big party or anything?”
“I'm not Elle.”
“Right,” Kris laughed.


“A boxing match?” Adam frowned. “Is he punishing me for making him wipe the sweat from my face during the shows?”
“It's his birthday,” Kris shrugged. “He knows what he wants.”
“He's been going on about boxing all the time,” Adam complained. “We're either watching it on the bus or he's got a fight on in our hotel room. I wish he felt old enough to have his own room.”
“You don't think he's old enough?”
“Sure he's old enough,” Adam answered. “It was just the look of panic on his little face when I told him we were all getting hotel rooms that first night. I think he's scared of sleeping alone.”
“So you've been letting him sleep in your room with you for the last ten days?” Kris asked with a smirk.
“And the bus bed,” Adam sighed. “I don't think he likes the bunks too much.”
“Right,” Kris smiled. “Anyway, I've called Lane and she's going to get us some tickets, but apparently this fights sort of a big thing.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means that there will be a lot of celebrities there,” Kris answered. “A lot. Apparently it's a big deal.”
“Two guys beating the crap out of each other?”
“Yep,” Kris frowned.
“I guess I can be man enough to go,” Adam sighed causing Kris to give him a funny look.
“I don't think they will be expecting you to get in the ring with them,” Kris pointed out. “You only have to watch.”
“In case you've forgotten, I'm not very good with boxing matches,” Adam remarked.
“But this time your son won't be in the ring,” Kris mused.
“True,” Adam smiled. “So what does one wear to a boxing match?”
“A shield to stop the blood hitting you,” Kris suggested with a smile.


“What is she wearing?” Kris whispered in Jacob's ear.
“I didn't pick it,” Jacob answered holding up his hands.
“I didn't know they made leather pants for a nine-year-old,” Kris mused.
“Papa's never going to let her go onstage like that.”
“Do you think it's a little too grown up for her?”
“No,” Jacob scoffed. “Papa's wearing the exact same thing.”
“He's...” Kris paused as Adam walked past him. “Oh god.”
“Elle Lambert-Allen I think we need to talk,” Adam said loudly causing everyone to look at him.
“I was wearing it first,” Elle yelled back. “You change.”
“Where did you even find this?”
“Uncle Tommy took me shopping,” Elle answered pointing a finger at her Uncle.
“Uncle...” Adam spun around to find Tommy trying to sneak away. “Freeze,” Adam yelled causing everyone to stop. “Well not all of you,” Adam snapped. “Just him,” he added pointing at his bass player. “You took my nine-year-old shopping?”
“Kind of.”
“The other night,” Tommy answered nervously.
“When everyone else was sleeping,” Elle answered. “He got the guy to open his shop at four in the morning. How cool is that? The guy did it just because he likes you, Papa.”
“And you let my daughter pick this outfit?” Adam answered ignoring Elle's rant. “You let her pick the leather pants and the matching chain top?”
“Kind of.”
“Even when you knew I have the exact same outfit?”
“I didn't know it was exactly the same,” Tommy answered. “Plus it looks different on her.”
“Better,” Elle remarked. “You said it looked better in the store.”
“You, you what?” Adam asked annoyed.
“Look, I'm just a bass player,” Tommy groaned. “Don't drag me into your family arguments.”
“We think of you as family, Uncle Tommy,” Jacob smiled wide.
“Not helping, Jake,” Tommy said through gritted teeth.
“Well someone's going to have to change,” Adam announced.
“You better hurry, Papa,” Elle smiled. “Your shows going to start soon.”
Adam looked down at his daughter. “But... fine,” he groaned. “But I get to pick the outfit first next time.”
“Okay, Papa,” Elle smiled brightly.

End of Flash Forward 2030

Flashback 2027

“Stop,” Adam yelled as Elle walked by him. “What is that?”
“My teddy,” Elle answered looking at the bear in her hand.
“Not that,” Adam sighed. “What's that hanging from your lip?”
“This?” Elle asked pointing at her bottom lip. “It's a lip ring.”
“Okay,” Adam breathed out. “I'm not going to yell. I'm going to stay very calm, and ask you where you got it from.”
“Okay,” Elle smiled.
“Where did you get it from?” Adam asked calmly.
“Your room,” Elle answered taking the hoop out of her lip.
“It's fake,” Adam breathed out. “Oh thank god.”
“It was in your jewelry box.”
“Why are you wearing it?”
“Well you wouldn't let me get a real one,” Elle explained.
“Baby,” Adam smiled as he held out his hand. “Come here.”
“Yes Papa?”
Adam picked Elle placing her on his lap. “You are going to have to explain to me why you suddenly feel the need to be an grown up. What's going on?”
“I just want to be big like everyone else,” Elle shrugged. “I mean, Sophia's got her baby now, and Jacob and Sebastian don't like playing games with me any more. I thought if I got bigger, they would want to play with me again.”
“You shouldn't be in a hurry to grow up baby.” Adam reached forward with his hand to brush a strand of hair from Elle's eyes. “I like you being my baby.”
“But I want the others to like me,” Elle pouted.
“They already like you,” Adam laughed. “You don't need to be doing all these grown up stuff for your brothers and sister to like you. Can't you just stay my little girl for as long as possible.”
Elle took a few seconds to think about it before nodding her head. “Okay,” Elle smiled as she settled her head against Adam's chest. “I think that's for the best anyway.”
“You do?”
“Yeah,” Elle answered. “That piercing was really getting in the way of me talking, and I really love to talk.”
“I've noticed,” Adam laughed as he wrapped his arms around Elle's waist.

End Of Flashback 2027

Flash Forward 2030

“What is she doing?” Kris frowned as he looked out onto the stage.
“She's taken Papa's mic off him and she's talking to the crowd,” Jacob answered with a smirk.
“And Papa looks confused,” Sebastian pointed out.
“Yeah,” Jacob laughed. “No ones ever taking his mic before. It's like taking food off of a bear.”
“She does seem to know what she's doing,” Kris mused.
“Aw, Papa looks so confused without his mic.”
“Did she just call Papa her backing singer?” Sebastian asked in surprised.
“Aw look at his little face now,” Jacob remarked.
“Okay they're going to start singing now,” Kris breathed out. “Why am I so nervous.”
“I have no idea,” Jacob answered. “I've never seen someone look so confident before.”
“And we're talking about Elle now,” Sebastian added.
“Oh she's not giving Papa back his fancy mic,” Jacob laughed. “She's making him use the spare one.”
“My little girl is upstaging my husband,” Kris said to himself as he watched Elle belt out her first line of the song.
“Maybe Papa's letting her,” Jacob shrugged.
“Look at his face,” Sebastian pointed out. “He's more surprised than anyone.”
“I think this is the beginning of a very successful career,” Jacob mused.
“I think your Papa is going to have to lay down in a dark room when this is over,” Kris mused as he watched Elle do her best Adam Lambert impression.


“Well, the whole Glambert family is raving about her,” Adam sighed as he rubbed his eyes. “This messageboard is talking about a duet between us.”
Kris climbed off the bus bed to look over his husband's shoulder. “Why don't you just come to bed.” Kris placed a kiss on top of Adam's head. “We haven't snuggled in ten days.”
“How is she so good?” Adam sighed. “She's never had a days training in her life. I mean, it's not like I've been forcing her to sing since she learned to talk. She's just a little girl.”
“You're thinking about this too much,” Kris sighed. “Maybe she just has a god given talent.”
“If we let her do this as a career it's going to completely change her life,” Adam sighed as he ran his hand over his face.
“What are you talking about?”
“Little girls don't sing like she does,” Adam answered turning around to look up at his husband. “If we let her continue she's going to be huge.”
“She's nine,” Kris shrugged. “I don't think she's talking about making this her life long career.”
“You saw her out there,” Adam sighed as he stood up. “That's not how normal nine-year-olds act. When we used to bring Sophia out onstage, she would act shy and hide behind us. Elle pretty much took over the whole show.”
“Is that what this is about?” Kris frowned. “Because she sort of upstaged you?”
“Don't be so stupid,” Adam sighed. “I am not jealous of my own daughter. I love the fact that she's so good, but it scares me. If she gets into this full time she's going to be in the eye of the public. They're going to write about her.”
“Oh, I see.” Kris took a step forward to place his hands on his husband's chest. “You're worried about what the press will say about her.”
“I don't want her growing up in that world,” Adam sighed. “We've worked hard to keep our kids out of the media. I don't want to put a big bright light on her. I don't want them talking about her like they talk about other girls.”
“I think you're worried about nothing,” Kris said gently as he rubbed Adam's chest. “If she does chose this as a career it's not going to happen until after she's finished school. There is plenty of time.”
“She's had a taste of it now,” Adam sighed. “She's not going to let it go. I could see it in her eyes out there. She's hooked.”
“She's still our little girl.”
“Not for much longer,” Adam groaned as he threw himself back against the bed. “She'll be divorcing us before she's fourteen, and then she'll turn into one of those horrible child stars.”
“You know for such an intelligent man, you can be so silly at times,” Kris smiled as he sat down next to Adam on the bed. “Elle is not going to divorce us.”
“And then there's the media,” Adam continued. “I swear any of them say one bad word about her, and I will be hunting them down.”
“So our future is going to involve our baby divorcing us, and then you killing any critic that says anything bad about her?” Kris asked trying his best not to smile.
“We're losing her.”
“You're losing something,” Kris mumbled to himself as he crawled up the mattress. “I'm going to sleep, Adam.”
“I don't know how you can,” Adam sighed. “We're losing our daughter here. We've already got one across the country. Then there's our sons. One's already dating and the other will be off beating people up. That just leaves you and me. The two of us roaming around that big house on our own.”
“I can't wait,” Kris mumbled to himself as he turned off the light. “Now, get into bed Adam.”
“I want another baby.”
Kris jumped up from the bed turning on the light as he went. “Your crazy.”
“I'm not ready to stop being a Papa just yet,” Adam admitted looking up at his husband. “I never knew I wanted it, but I'm good at his father thing. I don't think I can give it up yet. It's sort of been my life for eighteen years.”
“A little baby would be good for us,” Adam interrupted. “We're both going to be in LA. Every other time we've had a kid, one of us has been away working. We could do this together.”
“We've raised four kids together,” Kris pointed out.
“Come on, baby,” Adam groaned. “We are so good at this parenting thing. Why can't we do it again?”
“Because we're almost fifty,” Kris answered. “We struggle to keep up with the four we have, and then there's Tristan. We're grandparents. We can't become parents again.”
“If I'm not a Papa then I'm just a singer,” Adam sighed. “And that just doesn't satisfy me like it used to.”
“You are not just a singer,” Kris remarked as he came to sit beside his husband. “There is so much more to you than just a singer.”
“But Papa's the most important one.”
“You do know that they don't turn twenty-one and suddenly stop becoming your kids, don't you?” Kris asked with a confused look on his face. “If that was true we would have got rid of our parents years ago.”
“You're saying we aren't going to have another little baby, aren't you?” Adam asked sadly.
“We don't need another little baby,” Kris answered. “We have our hands full with the ones we have.”
“It doesn't feel like it,” Adam sighed.
Adam looked up to find the bus door being pushed open. “Yeah?”
“I can't sleep,” Elle mumbled as she crawled into Adam's lap. “The bus is moving.”
“Well that's what happens,” Kris smiled. “We have to get to the next venue by morning.”
“You okay?” Adam whispered as Elle snuggled into his chest.
“Don't like my bunk.”
“Too dark.”
“Is it scary?” Kris asked as he climbed back into the bed.
“A little.”
“Do you want to sleep in with me and Papa?” Kris asked causing Elle to nod her head. “Come on then.”
“Elle crawled off of Adam's lap and into Kris's arms. “Can I sleep in the middle?”
“Sure,” Kris smiled. “You coming to bed, baby?”
Adam stood up from the bottom of the bed to look at his husband and daughter. “Yeah.”
“Did I do okay?” Elle asked as Adam climbed in beside her. “Did I sing okay?”
“Okay?” Adam laughed. “You left me speechless.”
“And that's a hard thing to do,” Kris remarked.
“It was so cool,” Elle smiled up at Kris. “Everyone was screaming.”
“I heard,” Kris smiled. “You did really well, baby.”
“So you think this might become full time now?” Adam asked carefully.
“Do you think this will be your career now.”
“Adam,” Kris laughed. “Please remember she's nine.”
“Sure I want to be a singer,” Elle answered. “And an actress, and then a doctor.”
“A doctor?” Adam asked surprised.
“I want to be a doctor like the one that helps Bo,” Elle explained. “I'll do that after our first world tour.”
“Our first world tour?” Adam asked confused.
“Sure,” Elle nodded. “I mean, if you want to go around the world with me.”
“Sure,” Adam smiled. “When?”
“Adam,” Kris warned. “Remember nothing is going to happen until after high school.”
“When I'm an adult,” Elle answered. “I know you'll be old then, but I'm sure we can do it. Daddy can come with us too. Just the three of us.”
“So you're not leaving me?”
“No,” Elle frowned. “Why?”
“I just thought you would leave when you became an adult,” Adam said shyly. “You know like how Sophia moved away.”
“I'm never leaving home,” Elle answered. “Uncle Brad said that I would never find a house as cool as ours. Why would I want to leave that?”
“So you're just going to live with us forever?” Kris asked with a smile on his face.
“Until you die.”
“What?” Kris asked with raised eyebrows.
“Uncle Brad said if I stay at home until you both die, then the house will be mine.”
“Lovely,” Kris said with a fake smile. “Remind me to kill Uncle Brad.”
“And then Bo gets his house,” Elle smiled.
“Uh huh,” Kris smiled before looking up at his husband. “You okay baby?”
“Yeah,” Adam smiled.
“And that thing we were talking about before?”
“I don't think we need another one,” Adam answered.
“Thank god,” Kris breathed out. “I'm too old for... anything new.”
“Can I get something new?” Elle asked as she looked between her parents.
“No,” Adam and Kris said at the same time. “You're not having a new thing until you are a least thirty.”
“We'll that doesn't seem fair,” Elle pouted causing Adam and Kris to smile.

the little things

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