Art! For SCC! The thing is, I've always been head-over-heels fannish about the Terminator movies (a thing I've rarely admitted, honestly), so when I sat down to make some SCC fanart, it had to be a bit movie-based, too. So, I bring you: Scenes from SCC: The Graphic Novel.... Or, if you like, just fanart of Sarah, just after the first movie!
This started out as an idea to draw a whole set of "graphic novel covers," one for each main character. I've never been inspired to draw fanart for a live-action fandom before (as opposed to book fandoms, which are much more welcoming to artists, I think). So, I hope it looks all right.
Hopefully I'll get around to drawing the Reese boys, plus future-John with Cameron. But I started with Sarah, so here are her two images. Lena Headey was my Sarah for these -- I wanted this to be fanart specifically for the TV series. So...