Hay guise, :iiaca:
Hi, I'm Mac OS!
I'm really fucking cool, I'm sleek, and my engineers built me from the ground up a couple of years ago with all new ideas to strip out everything useless in me. I work beautifully, I have the power to go faster than you've ever been in your life, and look good while doing it. I've got ABS, SRS, ESP, DSP, DSA, ESA, ETC, CCT and every other three letter acronym for 'traction control' there is! Couple me with Mac Hardware, and I'm the quickest car there is. You'll never crash and you'll never want to go back to a PC.
Because I'm Mac Hardware!
I have been custom built for smooth travel, my corners are rounded and there is absolutely nothing in me that MacOS can't handle - not a curve or a bump that the engineers of MacOS didn't see coming and haven't built contingencies for. MacOS knows every single thing about me, and it's smoooooth. MacOS runs fast, runs quick and runs beautifully. And you know what? Put Windows onto me, and it'll run quicker than you've ever seen it to before too! I am that good.
Hey, guys, I'm Windows, sorry I'm a bit late to the party.
I'm not running that well these days, and with all the shit I have to take care of I'm getting a bit bogged down. Some asshole tried to retrofit ABS and ESP onto me, and it works (kinda) but now I've got an extra half a ton of computers and controllers and shit I was never meant to carry. My engine is kinda straining under the load, but you know how it is. Hey, I took a spin out on Mac Hardware a while ago, and god damn, those guys are right. Windows does run better on a Mac! Man, that shit is awesome. It's smooth as, and I've had enough experience on different roads to just dive right in and get my driving on. I haven't been that quick in years, thanks Mac! Anyway, it's been awesome hanging around, but I gotta get back to work. You guys have fun here, but the Home PC market is bitching and whining, there're so much new shit going on and I've gotta be able to get to all of them, even if the roads aren't very good. Ahh well. Have fun, guys!
So, I'm PC hardware.
I used to be pretty good, it was a decent road system, and then all these assholes with different ideas and different ways of doing things came in, and god damnit, I just don't know who I am any more. I don't know if you're meant to drive on the left or the right, but whatever you do don't TURN right because there's a roadblock up there and you'll probably catch an RPG for breakfast. I mean, I'm a road system, I do the job, you know, there's nothing to stop you driving on me, but just make sure you know how, alright? There's the occasional pothole, but so long as you've got decent suspension and a bit of ground clearance you'll be fine. I mean, I'm made of the exact same concrete and bitumen as that smarmy Mac motherfucker, I'm just put together differntly. And hell, unless you want to give me $50bn to upgrade all my roads, and hire the police force to make sure everyone building new roads follows the exact same rules, fuck you.
The point of the analogy is as such: MacOS is awesome on Mac Hardware, but it sucks arse if it has to leave the beaten track. Put Windows on a Mac, and you see that it runs better than it does on a PC.
Try to put MacOS on a PC, on the other hand, and you're going to have your tires shredded, your hubcaps stolen and all the badges will have been nicked before you know what the fuck. Why's this? Because Apple OS has been custom built to run only on about a hundred different PC configurations, ever. Windows has to run on every single combination of video cards, motherboards, processors, hard drives, physics cards and whatever the hell else you want to put in your machine - including, coincidentally, the cocktail of parts that Apple use for THEIR computers. Result? You have MacOS as a perfectly stable OS when it's on its own computers, and you have Windows as a reasonably stable OS on every computer in the world.
I'd love to get a Le Mans car, but I want to design the track too, not buy what someone tells me is cool, and I certainly don't want to pay a 50% surcharge because the track is white and has a picture of a half eaten fruit on it. And if that Le Mans car *could* run on every track someone decided to build, it'd start to perform a lot like an old landcruiser.
Hey guys, I'm linux. Wanna go over there? Cool, let's go.