Jun 12, 2005 12:37
So I'm working. A lot. I find it sad that it's summer vacation and I'm waking up earlier than I would for school. I mean c'mon!
Anyway... I must say that I love my pool. Oh dear pool, you are my savior in this time of heat. I don't know where I'd be without you. Actually, I do. I'd be inside by the air conditioner, complaining. Haha. And then mooching off of someone who has a pool.
Anyone who wants to mooch for pool usage... let the sucking up begin. Haha... just kidding. Just give me ten bucks. Okay okay... five. Two if I really like you.
So I need to get a new bathing suit. Which is part of the shopping plan today. Operation new suit (of a bathing nature). My old one is still fine, but Scott jumped on me the other day and put a hole in it. I shake my fist at that burly brother of mine.
Okay, I guess that's enough talk about not much at all. Maybe I'll have something of substance to say next time. But probably not. Ha.
Oh and... Rita's is amazing. If I ever meet this Rita... I will kiss her feet. Unless they're yucky. Then I'll just tell her I love her water ice. And go get some more.
Okay I'm done.