Should I give up, or should I just keep chasing pavements?

Feb 02, 2009 21:16

Missed opportunities.

It's amazing how many stories there are of people who just missed each other by such small increments of time.  And how such simple little decisions could have changed things.  A phone call here.  An invitation there.  Feelings that could have been shared.

That's why I've always tried (it's also easy for me) to be upfront and honest with my feelings towards people.  I can't explain how different my life and my relationships would have been if people had just been honest.  It applies to everything from sharing a smile with a stranger on the street, to telling my grandmother on her death bed that she is the reason I am following my dreams and how much I love her.

Life's far too short to not tell people you love them.

Say what you need to say.

On another note, I bought a stranger coffee today.  Tossing my bit of good karma into the world.  Let's hope it gets passed on to someone who really needs it.

Don't know how long these missed opportunities are going to stay on my mind...

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