
Jun 29, 2005 22:29

well today I woke up at 11. then i watched tv and went online and stuff. then watch In Good Company. I was pretty good. Then I went swimming with kyle, megan, nick and andrew. Then the thunder storm came so i went in. thne i took and shower, got dressed and went online and talked to kaitlin, rachel and leah. then i was in the middle of talking to kaitlin when becky showed up so left(sorry i left in a hurry kaitlin). thne we met lynne,lynne's mom, rachel, amanda, amanda's mom, leah, alissa and alissa's mom outside of the funeral home. then we went in and prayed to laura and her father. laura looked so beautiful. then we talked to nancy and steve. and poor sara doent know that one of her best friends died cuz shes at camp. poor girl. so we talked then they had a little service and i kept seeing all these little kids crying and i couldnt help but cry. then a girl spoke and at the end of her speach she said " god took you so you can dance for him in heaven" and after that i just balled my eyes out. then we put flowers in a vase and i saw heather. and we went up to say our goodbyes together. and poor heather could not stop crying so i just hugged her and told her stuff to try and comfort her. thne me, alissa, becky, leah and helen went to fridays. and the waiter liked leah. thne we left and now im here. i still cant get over laura. she look so good. so happy.

Rest In Peace James and Laura Sweatt.
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