Apr 20, 2004 13:08
i guess i ditched for nothing, except a break from school. i ended up doing nothing. no one wanted to do anything with me. but isn't that always how it goes. pretty stupid to think someone might actually want to do something. i don't know what the fuck i was thinking. it's my fault for having this happen, for actually thinking someone may care. stupid, stupid girl. it seems just when things go right that they then fall apart. i wish i would never hope for something, because that's what kills you every time. i'm choking on my hope now. how can they miss what should have never existed in the first place? i know i would have a hard time missing it. so how can i expect them to put effort into something that practically does not exist? i can't, and it's not fair that i do.
btw, i'm not going on the orchestra trip. my mother won't let me, and besides, those days would be my 8th and 9th absences in every class but orchestra, where they would be my 10th and 11th i believe.
i finally looked at a comment on an entry that was public but is now private. this answer's for you kara, if you even remember asking the question. i never named the female fish because she died less than a week after i got her. she was sick when she was purchased. the other one i named winston, after the character in 1984.