Nov 22, 2004 13:35
I've had the shittiest day so far so I have to post about it
Last night I got in a fight with my mom and in turn she got in a fight with my dad over me so my dad gets all mad and slams into my room and tells me to take Aaron home, so I do and I end up having to grade some of his tests(hes a teacher) and so it takes me like 45 mins longer than it could have if Aaron was there to help me.
Then I stayed up nutil 2 AM working on this stupid presentation to get my honours credit for English.
I go to English the next moring and Im so nervous and theres a note on the board saying class is cancelled.
Okay, then I go to my work(Kokobelli bagel cafe) and I want to get my paycheck and my boss is being the biggest dick ever and acting all annoyed because he supposedly hates it when I come in becasue he thinks that I just want to take a break with my friend Sandy who was working. So 1 hr later I get my paycheck and Im driving home and in the middle of a one way construction road I run out of gas.
The light never went on and it looked like I still had a little to make it to a gas station. I start crying and get out and try to push my car off the raod and this guy gets out and helps me. Then when I say thank you, he storms off like Im an idiot. And then this other kid about my age asks me if I needed a ride or something and I said no thank you and he was like....Okkkay have fun then and he sped off. What a dick.
Then I walk down to a gas station and Im freezing and saoked cuz its raining, walk back get gas in it drive to the gas station, fill up, and then my mom still needs her starbucks drink so I go and get that and now I just got home and I have to leave for a math test in 5 mins.
In other news...I love science fiction.... The end