May 05, 2004 22:05
Today I got my auto-scripter at work together and it's now producing stuffs. I just have to add more intelligence to it (although already it has surprised me in its ability to handle some random applications I throw at it).
I came home, and had an adventure in Mistmoore (with both chars). Then played in CoD a little with the SMS training CD playing in the background for me.
In case there's still wonder about where the present title (Alien vs Predator (AvP)) comes from, look at the text just below here and figure it out... what, I'm not gonna spell it out!
Listened to chapter 5 of the training info on SMS
Went for a run of 2 km
Install Virtual PC so I can muck around with Microsoft SMS
Build a DLL for information input to VBScript
Write back a letter to my half-sister
I am also planning on upgrading my wardrobe at some point in time so I look less like Geekboy and more like a hunk. Well, I can try anyway.