Mar 12, 2006 01:42
Dear LiveJournal,
I have not been effectively logging events in my life. I apologise profusely for a totally inadequate update cycle regarding my journalling. I have missed documenting such events as Kelly's rather drunken "Just hit it right down the hole" (a counter-distraction technique) at the pool table in the middle of Gino's "Lift, Lift!" routines to the bar resetting the pins for bowling.
There was also a housewarming party at the boss's place with much alcohol and my trying to recover from being sick (again). This involved many good discussions, including general incompetence of various parts of the company, and also touching on the problem with inviting significant others of IT personnel to these parties - they might not have anything in common, and the guys usually wander off and talk technobabble.
So today I had an extreme picnic. Well, it wasn't very extreme, it just lasted for 10 hours and was in the Royal Botanical Gardens and then Hyde Park. We also got locked in the RBG and I was suggesting jumping the fence, but others were not so keen, so we eventually found an unlocked gate (only the third we tried). We played a game called "Chez Geek", and identified the in game jobs with the people outside - from the slacker and tech support, the b'day boy used to be "the drummer" through to the role which is definitely mine - the corporate drone.
It was pleasant company right through - and although I'm not shocked by piercings these days, when there's a different one, it tends to be the focus of attention on that person. I don't really need to look at the U shaped, somewhat spiky nose piercing. I guess it's all part of the same principle that occasionally causes vision to become stuck on breasts and very hard to dislodge.
There was also a girl, Helen, only around for the Hyde park part, who was ... witty and exciting. I hope to get to spend some more time with her again. She lives with a guy of an unusual name whom I believe I have heard mentioned at parties. I will enquire about this later.
And I sent a message tonight as I was heading home about where the week went (to the same Dave I will question on the aforementioned issue). He replied with:
It became posthumously incapacitated by evaporated mantriquelees and their associates.
Well, google doesn't know what mantriquelees are, so I don't feel so bad about that now. My response (I forgot to compose it, due excessive delays in public transport) will be:
The eternal soul of the week is being bashed senseless by ghosts? We must go on a spirit quest to save it! Vodka or Whiskey?
The bus ride home was spent chatting with a blonde who sat next to me and was hoping to move out of horticulture and to her father's AutoCAD-based drafting business. It was interesting conversation, and she turned out to be highly idealistic, but without a well thought and coherent point of view. It was cut short by my having to get off (without my having a chance to justify why my work was actually significant and meaningful even from her point of view... hmmm, I wonder why I was interested in doing that). When she said that significant things were those affecting the environment, I came back with the comment that a virus that wiped out 3/4 of humanity would actually do wonders for the environment. One of her things was that hemp-powered cars would actually be a great thing to do, but it's stopped by the oil companies. I should have put her in touch with my mother's group if she thought there was any legal obstruction - because this group is all about getting the people together to reset the law - from a self-serving system to a people-serving system.
Goodbye all, and wish me luck with the stockmarket - but not too much luck. Enough so I make a decent sum of money, not enough that I am deluded into thinking that I know what I'm doing ;)