If you haven't already seen/heard, i.e. if you don't run in certain crazed Berkeley social circles, we are establishing
a new theater company! Which is all very exciting and which will give my life a purpose for the forseeable future.
-I've been hearing a lot of curious, and occasionally strangely jealous, mumblings from the still-in-college faction of our immediate group. I want you all to know that we are holding our breath for the day you graduate and can come add your experience and skills to the hive mind. The sooner you realize that the sooner y'all can start preparing for assimilation. Or, uh, our warm and fuzzy artistic embrace? In either case, resistance is totally futile.
But in all seriousness, we are banking on collaberating with everybody in the future. Because you are all very very talented (we only make friends with talented people). And we really need everything you have to offer, whatever you have to offer.
-If anybody anywhere knows where we can acquire resources (money, tech equipment, performance/rehearsal space, real estate, insurance, actors, jobs...) either here or in Portland, OR where we hope to move, let me know. Because that's that much less scrambling that we have to do. And we're doing enough of that already.
Stay tuned for the results of our first show. Maybe even pictures!