I was going to say "a good Monday", but of course it isn't. :) Yay for short work weeks!
ANYWAY, have some links, from a variety of fandoms:
First and foremost:
WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS EVEN. Why, that would be Tom Hopper, Eoin Macken, and Rupert Young stripping off for a Gay Times photo shoot.
I JUST. WHAT. IS THIS REAL? OR IS THIS SOME MASS FANGIRL HALLUCINATION? I could only watch the first thirty seconds without sound, but I was already hyperventilating. CANNOT WAIT TO GET HOME.
(ETA: If you are like me and still stuck at work and can't watch this,
go look at this now! OMG, the interview is as porny as the beefcake!)
Ahem. On to some recs:
Down the Pub with the Rugby Lads by
what_alchemy - pitch-perfect John and a lovely take on John and Sherlock together.
Limpet by
veronamay - The author writes Sherlock as a cuddler and makes it work. Adorable.
What Did We Miss? by
maskedfangirl - Fanart for Chapter 13 of
Performance in a Leading Role, so obviously spoilers for the fic (though the link above is non-spoilery, so don't panic if you clicked on it before reading this). It captures one of my favourite scenes in the fic so far, and I cannot stop staring at it.
The Eagle:
Ten Thousand Paces by
destina - Marcus wants Esca to be completely free. Lovely and lyrical.
And I've slowly been working my way through the recs in
this post, though, you know, feel free to add any recs you may not see there. *bats eyelashes* :)
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