Well, not exactly - yesterday my J entered the information age by buying himself a laptop. Yes, the man who once called computers "instruments of the devil" now has his own, and we should be getting wireless for the house on Friday, which means he'll always be connected. SCARY.
But the fun thing is that we were planning to shop around at Staples and Future Shop, and it turned out to be much less painful than I'd been expecting. I wasn't looking forward to going to FS, because I can't stand the geekboys at our local store - they are the type that have less than zero social skills, and have a meltdown when people with boobs try to talk to them about tech. Luckily, we happened across a lovely young woman at the Staples who was extremely helpful and was fully possessed of skills both technical and social, and we ended up buying him a machine right then and there. She also let us know about the bags on special, and my 57-year-old J got himself the latest in
laptop bags for about twenty bucks, with a lovely brown and bright orange colour scheme.
At the cash, I teased him about being two generations too old for that shade of orange, and then, just for the hell of it, said that it was more like the type of bag someone like Colin Morgan would carry around. When we left the store, J told me the tech gal perked right up at the mention of Colin's name, which I have to admit was kind of a test, because I was curious.
me: It's a little like gaydar, isn't it? You can guess, but it helps to have secret code words to be 100% sure.
J: She is of the body, there's no doubt.
Houston, I think we have a fangirl. :)
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