A whole mess o' links for your Saturday.

Aug 28, 2010 12:46

OMG, I had yesterday off and both yesterday and today I woke up totally without energy. MY LIMBS FEEL LIKE WET NOODLES. It's like I have the flu only I'm not sick. IDK, ANYWAY, HAVE SOME LINKS.


Mending Wall by franticsga - Modern AU with seriously pining!Arthur, but she makes it all better in the end, with an intensity you can practically taste. GUH.

Finally, some Series 3 promo pics - no spoilers at this link. TBH, I'm disappointed in the Arthur pics, but Merlin is HOTTTT and everyone else looks fab. Hopefully we will be getting some better Bradley shots soon.

And I don't think anyone has missed this, but chibirhm interviewed Bradley James, and IT IS AWESOME. Fangirls should be the only people allowed to interview these boys. Read it here.


Benedict Cumberbatch reads Little Red Hen. Adorable x infinity.

The Rules by entangled_now, the conclusion to her series that started with The Second Law of Thermodynamics. Definitely slash, and delicious.

Martin Freeman is supporting a good cause. Details, including how you can donate, are here.


I realized recently that I hadn't read any John/Rodney in a long time, so I trucked on over to mcshep_match and picked out a few longer stories. This is in no way meant to be a review of the whole fest - this is pretty much what I've read so far - but just passing on what I've liked to date:

Circle Yes Or No - John and Rodney go to visit John's brother and his family, and everyone assumes they're a couple. I love these kinds of stories, and this one didn't disappoint.

Running Tally - A post-series story in which the breakup between Rodney and Jennifer is handled well. Nice job all around.

Cloud Nine - Utterly fabulous AU in which everyone works for a 24-hour weather network. No, seriously, it totally works on so many levels. Go read.

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cumberbatch is a posh boy and idgaf, recs, merlin: fic recs, martin freeman yes please, sherlock bbc, sherlock bbc: fic recs

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