Fannish Hive Mind Strikes Again! Film at Eleven!

Aug 06, 2008 18:36

Guys, you have no idea how INSANELY GLEEFUL I am at all the wonderful creativity that's pouring forth on the John/Rodney Post of Domestic Bliss, as I am now calling it. It's - yeah, I can't even express it. Just, thank you all so much. I have to go out and mow my 3' high lawn before the next freaking downpour (SO NOT FAIR), and today was insane, so I have not had a chance to read everything yet, but I will! In the meantime, I found this hilarious, because it illustrates like nothing else the power of the fannish hive mind, especially when it comes to gay porn.

They had tried the (big, luxurious) bed, and were already pondering the makeout capacities of other pieces of furniture. The couch, naturally, was their first choice:

And then, what happens? This morning, thegrrrl2002 posts this ficlet. The only difference is that John is on top. Everything else: SCARY.

If I needed yet another reason to love fandom? THIS WOULD BE IT, RIGHT HERE. :) *massive hugs to EVERYONE*
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