New fic: Transformations

Jan 01, 2021 11:36

My one story in the hell year just passed is largely the fault of Will Smith and Tom Holland. The rest of the responsibility belongs to Sparcina, who posted an irresistible prompt.

Transformations (Spies in Digsuise, Walter Beckett/Lance Sterling, c. 2500 words, Mature)

One night, after coming back from a short op in Barcelona, Lance and Walter came home together and immediately flopped on the couch to watch the latest episode of the Great British Baking Show. Halfway through the signature challenge Lance realized three things: the kid was asleep with his head in Lance's lap, a position he'd assumed at the start of the show with absolutely zero self-consciousness, Lance's fingers were idly stroking through his soft hair, and Lance had known ahead of time that this was going to be Pastry Week.

The worst part of it was, he wasn't sure which of these facts concerned him the most.

Happy new year, everyone. Let's hope 2021 sucks less. <3
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