Fic: Overshare (New Blood, Rash/Stefan)

Feb 20, 2017 15:35

I started writing this before the BBC announced it wasn’t renewing New Blood for a second series and after an appropriate mourning period I picked it up again because Rash and Stefan should always live on, bantering and shagging.

If you haven’t seen the programme, this short vid will give you an idea of who these cuties are.

(Arrash "Rash" Sayyad/Stefan Kowolski, c. 3700 words, NC-17)

Hard on the heels of Rash's discovery that Stefan was drunkenly expressing his feelings through the Polish equivalent of classic rock came the realisation that there could be any number of people - including, to his utter horror, his sister - who might be the object of Stefan's affections. While it was true that Stefan flirted shamelessly with Rash on a regular basis, it was also true that Stefan flirted shamelessly with everybody and everything. There were probably inanimate objects that had been on the receiving end of the Kowolski charm. For all Rash knew, Stefan's drunken warbling could be aimed at one of the Trafalgar Square lions. Or any number of random plane trees along the Embankment.

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new blood, my fic

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