How the hell did I miss Robert Downey, Jr. pinups? (
Thank goodness
gealach_ros is back to keep us up with Supanova in Perth this weekend - I was going to get lost in Twitter and Tumblr land again! (Oh hell, I probably wil anyway).
This short interview with the lads is kind of ridiculous, as is
this photo from Eoin. Oh, and it looks like at least
Bradley and Eoin were at the Superman premiere in Sydney earlier in the week, and
Bradley was hanging with the Weasley twins, bless.
ETA: Okay, so I'm trolling Twitter and Tumblr. *sigh* But it gets gold:
Ahahaha, what the hell are Rupert and Eoin doing. <3 (updated with original source link thanks to Gea)
Seriously, how is he even real? The story behind one of my favourite pics from last weekend's Supanova And I totally meant to post this the other day, and I imagine everyone has already seen it by now, but in case you haven't, go check out
alby-mangroves's story of going to Supanova and
presenting the lads with some of her beautiful art. If it doesn't leave you grinning for the rest of the day, I don't know what will. :)
ETA2: OMG, so much love for
this person and all the boys. <3
I cannot stand the awesome. ETA3: And finally, I love that there was a fangirl
Bradley found so gorgeous that
he was rendered speechless. It feels as though the circle is complete. :D
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