Okay, so I'm a little slow with the second half of
this post - sorry! The H-Z fandoms are mostly a big nostalgia trip, but I tried to be objective and only pick ones I liked as vids, too. :)
We Belong Together by anon (Lone Gunmen) - I forgot how much I loved this show; this vid reminded me.
Working on the Highway by anon (Magic Mike) - A movie I still haven't gotten around to watching, but this vid makes me want to check it out now.
Sabotage by anon (Mission: Impossible movies) - Recced by
cesperanza - like her, I'm not a fan of the MI movies, but the cutting on this is GENIUS.
Sway by anon (Persuasion) - Another source I haven't seen, but a very well done vid.
Who's That Girl by anon (Some Kind of Wonderful) - NOSTALGIA TRIP. Ah, how I identified with Watts. *sigh* And this vid is also damn good! :)
The Fucking Manual by anon (The Thick of It) - A brilliantly cut vid for a show I've been trying to find time to watch, since it features the wonderful Rebecca Front from Lewis.
giandujakiss mentioned that one of the actors from the show
got wind of it and tweeted the link, proving once again that our fourth wall is a total illusion.
Sons and Daughters by anon (Whale Rider) - Lovely choice of music and a great dramatic build to the vid.
What No Angel Knows by anon (Wings of Desire) - Loved, loved, loved this movie, and the vid really does it justice.
Titanium by anon (Wonder Woman) - Ugh, SO MANY FEEELINGS. I think WW was my first fandom; I had her poster on my wall and I think there may have been magic bracelets. It was also my first fannish disappointment, because I remember even at the tender age of 6 being annoyed when they changed from the WWII timeline to a present-day one after S1. What can I say, I was a purist. :)
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