So I bought some books this summer to get myself going on researching the next original novel I want to write, and have I read those yet? Um, no. And currently what am I in the middle of writing?
- A Cabin Pressure story based on Douglas stumbling across
this picture in a magazine and proceeding to have bad, no good thoughts about his Captain;
- the next story in the Retired!Lewis series, in which there will ALSO probably be no nookie, therefore necessitating at least one more story (actually, at least two, because I already have a later one started);
- and I have just started outlining a Lewis AU based on
this picture, in which Lewis is the owner of Morse and Associates, a landscaping company, and ends up hiring former seminary student James Hathaway. There may be graphic murders of rose bushes and kisses in garden sheds.
And then there will be Yuletide and OMG OKAY I WILL JUST CLONE MYSELF, ALL RIGHT? /o\
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