Bring us the porn and no one gets hurt.

Jun 22, 2012 09:24

Okay, I can already tell that this is going to be One of Those Days, so here's the thing: I got a huge amount of much-needed laughter out of the comments in this post last night and this morning I read this excerpt from 50 Shades of Grey and - yeah, what I'd like to do is turn it around and create a REC POST FOR PORN. Het, slash, multiples, art, fic, published novels/stories, whatever you like - just BRING THE RECS BECAUSE IT IS FRIDAY AND WE NEED THE GOOD STUFF. I don't have time right now to add some recs myself, but I will try to jump in through the day. Alternately, you can also let us know what, in your opinion, are the ingredients that make for good porn! Comment as yourself or anonymously - I've turned off anon comment screening for this post, so please play nice and be accepting of others.

In short, YAY PORN. \o/

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