More spam. Sigh.

Mar 20, 2012 14:37

So I might have ended up trolling around Tumblr and other places and found some Lewis/Hathaway/Fox/Whately assorted adorableness.


And someone else made an inspirational-style poster from that silly mugging photo they did in the Ashmolean. SO CUTE.

Inspector Lewis, Sherlock Style (click for bigger). HEEEE.

Have a little half-naked Laurence Fox. Hmmm, that's - quite nice, actually.

Another recent shot of Kev recording Series 6 with Lewis' composer and producer.

Really, what the hell are we supposed to think when Hathaway looks at Lewis like this?

Apparently 18-year-old Kevin Whately had a Picasso phase. Love it. :)

For about a minute, I was actually tempted to order this photo of Kev, because, well, it's the only one I can get. HE LOOKS LIKE A GINORMOUS DORK. I NEED AN INTERVENTION.

And finally, I don't know if I've posted this before or not, but I think I'd remember an interview where LF compares his relationship with Kev to a marriage and says of his co-star: Oh no, he doesn’t believe in technology. For him the olden days were better when there was no hot water and people ate newspaper! Ahahahaha, OH BOYS.

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lewis: pics, laurence fox is an adorable shithead, i love me a geordie lad

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