Fandom and other stuff on a Monday.

Feb 06, 2012 10:07

First, have an NSFW snow sculpture thanks to the winter weather in the UK and some awesome, naughty ladies. (source) Is it any wonder I love the Brits?

garryowen has given us another instalment in the Punctuation series, called Before and After, Then and Now. Gah, it is so beautifully written I can't stand it. Run, don't walk. (Also here at the AO3)

Third, not British but still fabulous: via giandujakiss, apparently Madonna may be a Luminosity fan. Pretty cool to think that fanworks might be bouncing back to influence the original creators.

Fourth, I love that a second and a half of a trailer is making Tony/Steve fans explode from glee.

Fifth, have some utterly gorgeous Sherlock art. It will soothe all your Reichenbach feelings, trust me.

Sixth, how is Bradley James' face even real, you guys. Those eyes, gah. ( source)

Seventh, I hereby nominate Louise Brealey for most adorable human.

Eighth, Patrick Stewart speaks out about government cuts to domestic violence shelters (content triggering). Just another reason to love Mr. Stewart.

And that's all for now! Happy Monday - or as happy as it can be!

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