I'm guessing most people have seen this by now, but just in case:
The message sent with it (in case you, like me, are allergic to Facebook): Dear fans, all the gratitude. All of it. Very sincerely yours, Martin Freeman.
Amanda Abbington, I COVET YOU. (Also, I covet their kitchen - have done ever since I saw his ep of Who Do You Think You Are? And their adorable dogs. And his record collection. Basically, I covet Martin Freeman's life, with the exception of his wardrobe. Hm, that sounds a lot creepier than it actually is. FORGET I SAID ANYTHING.)
And second,
enednoviel gives us
a scruffy!Colin portrait. NNNNGGGGGHHHH.
ETA: Thanks to
tikiaceae for the heads up on
the postcard project! I'm going to have to find a good Nova Scotia one and get mine sent tomorrow. :)
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