bye, photobucket, better things for 2012.

Jan 08, 2012 16:22

First I just have to say. I hate photobucket. Mostly out of lazyness I've continued to use it, but now finally even I had enough. An ad that came up today was just the final drop. Maybe I overreacted abit, but I just deleted most of my pictures there. It doesn't matter, I have an ftp that I should be using anyway. Just, some of my older art posts might not work properly for a while, until I get the links changed.

Ok, but this wasn't going to be an anrgy post.
It's about my new years resolutions I love new years with all it's potential and getting to set up new goals! Last years resolution was to 1, change job (which I haven't) and 2, start drawing, which I have! Soon I've been drawing almost every day for ten months and filled up four sketch books in that time. I don't know if that is much comparatively, but I feel fairly efficient. And it's definitly a lot more than three years of not drawing anything!

For 2012 I also want to start doing some original art, and maybe set up a homepage for it (or start using my empty deviantart account). Then just improve at many things, most of all drawing faces and getting portrait likeness.

Maybe I'll finally change my job too.

I also have a fandom related resolution, to become better at commenting. I feel guilty every time I don't, just beacuse I feel I don't have the sufficent words to say how fantastically good something is. Especially since being in fandom has taught me how encouraging positive feedback can be. So I'll be better at just trying anyway, from now on.

And Christmas cards (that I'm late posting since I wanted to be sure everyone got theirs first) and drawings forordinaryink's Food porn meme.

The promts was by cherie_morte -"Sam/Dean/Jess in which she has baked Dean a pie and is wearing nothing but an apron and cooking mittens and Dean thinks she's a goddess and Sam is jealously making bitchface at everyone."

Now that I let myself just have fun with this for a while, it's time to get started on worldwide-spn. It's going to be a difficult challenge this for me, and I want it to turn out well.


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