geek-induced snorting pig laughter

Aug 15, 2007 14:59

I AM a total geek.

It's true.  There's no denying it.  My lovely loyal kind flisters out there don't have to lie for me.  I know it.  You (may by now) know it.  Here's more proof...

Aside from all the obvious things (reading way too much, knowing every line to The Princess Bride and The Last Starfighter - among other movies, keeping lists, rah rah rah), I read Scott Adam's blog almost every day, and have now completely been sucker punched (in a good way) by his directing blogreaders towards Scott Meyer's comic - here.

This has had me rotflmao:

*snort*  You must go check them all out at the website (link above!)  Dilbert comics have lost it recently (although SA's blog is unmissable), but this new guy is brilliant.   I also recommend The Argyle Sweater (here).  It has nothing to do with Donut's dress sense, I swear!  (For all those VM ex-/fans out there)

*off to cry in a corner with laughter*


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