Dec 31, 2004 00:26
treked up to minnesota, meandering through every rest stop on the way. Dad and coffee don't mix too well. spent the night with my mom's friends in redwing ,mn who she met through WOC (woman's ordination conference) and they are german and amazing, probally 60 or so, a good time. made it to the cabin after my dad, sweetly drove on the right side of the snow covered 2 lane dirt road to the cabin (rather than the middle) and ended up in the ditch 5 houses away from my aunts. Had a fun night at the cabin, then came in to town (about 20 min away) due to bad weather (snow melt ice snow ice) i've been "stranded" in town, which means nothing but fun. SOnja, nina, shannon, turi ian,sarah are all here and there's been lots of sledding (going down ice covered huge ass hills on a 7 person wooden tobogan and trying to make it to the frozen over lake) making vegan cheese cake, open mic's, scategories, lots of cuddling, playing guitar, sewing...basically my utopia. i forget how whole i am here. i havent seen sonja in a year or so, so it's really good to see her. good food good people.
i really can't complaine- and wish everyone else as much happiness and good safe new years eves. and new year in general. i'll give stl kids a call i should be back around the 3.