all creatures of our God and King

Feb 06, 2005 18:59

The past couple days have been never ending, almost bleeding into each other. I haven't updated in a long time but that's just because I'm never home, and when I am, I'm too busy to be on the computer. Anyways, my weekend was incredible, how 'bout yours?

We (me, Danny, Aaron, and Megan) decided that hanging out and Guitar Centering would be a good idea. Danny came to get me around 5, but something was wrong with his car so he was outside on the phone with his dad trying to fix it. Somehow the radio wouldn't turn off, turned the whole car off, took the face plate off, nothing. It ended up taking more than we expected, well long enough for Danny to not want to get dirty and change out of his nice Express shirt. Finally he did something right with the fuse and the whole thing turned off. I think it's funny that when Danny talks to his dad he speaks Spanish but when he gets frustrated with something while talking to his dad he starts speaking English. Aaron finally came over and Megan did too. We left, Danny and I rode together, and Aaron and Megan did. Boys drove. Me and Danny always have so much fun hanging out together. We met them there and ran around Guitar Center a while. Danny hung around the drums and Aaron and I walked Megan around and showed her guitars, keyboards and dj stuff. Aaron and I played acoustics till we got bored and Megan got whiney, hehe. We left to find a movie time at the Cinemark. There was really nothing playing since it was already around 8:45. Which I thought was weird for a friday night. We decided to go to the 10:25 In Good Company, which was really cute and stupid at the same time. After finding a movie time we ate a Wendys and went to Starbucks. At Wendy's we saw the jazz band drummer that I knew, and Aaron knew him from South and Danny knew him from Pride. he's a silly guy. Sitting there Megan goes "I can't wait till Bass Pro opens!" Aaron looked at her and said "oh my gosh I think I'm in love!!" I bought Danny's coffee at Starbucks' like I told him I would. We left there and went to Best Buy while we looked at cds and tried to make fools out of each other as much as possible. It's so much fun goofing off with them. Aaron and I critiqued cds while Megan talked about how NOT emo she was. She is so very emo at heart. At the movie theatre parking lot me and Danny walked down touching all the cars to see which one's alarms would go off. He always dared me to touch the expensive ones and it was a let down when the alarm didn't go off. When we went to the movies Danny said "Lacy sit by me, we always make the best comments together" because we really do. The movie got out around 12:30. Danny took me home. He sang in Spanish to me and it was really really beautiful. He sang it totally out of his heart in his language and was incredible, it made me want to cry. I made it in the door around 1:15.

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