Oh, Right. Because I love to learn. Duh. LUCKILY the place that I'm going now is, like, a third of the cost of the other place. 'CAUSE I'M PAYING FOR TUITION NAO. DDDDD: Which isn't really too bad, considering I make that much in about two-and-a-half weeks of working. :D Yay for money! *Dance*
Umumumum. Not much has happened recently <-- total and utter bullshit. TONS has happened, which is WHY I haven't UPDATED.
- Started college
- and am taking five classes:
- Anatomy, which should be tons of fun because I love learning how the body works :D
- World Religions, which is going to be the hardest class just because of the work that we have to do. Should be interesting none the less.
- American History, which I'm not excited for, at all. I love world history, but American history BORES ME. You can only review the same things in TONS of different grades before it gets old. SRSLY.
- Yoga, which is KILLING ME NOW. My arms hurt DDD:
- And Art 1010. The boring art class (required, again). I'm taking it online and haven't started yet lol, so it's not as bad as it could be.
- And then there's that family DORAMA GOODNESS :D that has been happening. Long story short: My sister's a moron, a lier, and a control freak and my parents are seriously thinking of putting her in some kind of hospital/institute type thingy. It's gotten to the point where I just wish they would. Yayz.
- Haven't worked on my Band world for a while, though I did do one of those Meme things, and posted it at my Band Universe Journal Thingy (hahaha. shamless pimping ftw)
AAAAAND that's all I got.