Apr 05, 2011 12:50

So, I didn't mean to disappear from the interwebs for. Um. However long it's been. 3 and a half months? Whoops.


Trying to stay up in school which, I have to say, isn't going as well as I planned, but is going a ton better than I expected. Because I'm terrible at getting stuff done and I have the attention span of of of something with a short attention span. A child on sugar. I guess. And I really should be doing my US History work because a quiz is today and I haven't read the chapters let alone done the assignment, but what can you do. At least it's on the '20s, which I've always had a soft spot for. Probably because of the Mafia stuff and all the plot bunnies that come from it.


I've totally gotten bit by a plot bunny, because I've been going through the Star Trek 2009 Kink Meme ('cause the fandom's coming back to me idk why) and someone posted a Marvel Crossover prompt, and since X-Men is like, the most easy crossover EVER two people did that.

And now I have the but and am totally forming a fic with the people from the Enterprise as X-men.

I FEEL LIKE SUCH A NERD. I'M NOT EVEN AS FAMILIAR WITH MARVEL AS I AM WITH DC AND ASKLDFJASLK I'm also having a hard time finding superpowers for Kirk and Chekov (and I'm not letting Kirk's be like, charm or something because then people with think that's like, the whole reason he's so popular and has so much sex when really, it's just because he's Kirk). ALSKDFJLASKDJF BUT IT'S EATING ME AWAY.

rant, star trek, !fangasm, geek out tiem, .other, school, x-men

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