I was ordered asked by
lupindrake to post pictures of what my room looks like. Because she did it. My room's a lot bigger than it looks, but the queen-sized bed I have takes up a good portion of it. :3
The first thing you see when you walk into my room is my bed. I love my bed ♥. On the bedside table is my lamp, alarm clock, Julian (Sansa Fuze mp3 player with black SkullCandy ear phones ♥), and a few random nick-nacks that I didn't want to put anywhere else :3
Doorway. The pictures are all before/after pictures of the art of various DevArt people I like. Used for inspiration, though it hasn't been working well. The thing in the bottom-left corner is my dirty-clothes hamper. The top white-board is for goals and stuff (that I don't keep to :<), and the other one has a list of random things I want to buy and a list of songs to get. And yes, that is a black bra on the back of my door. My other one is hidden by my robe :3
The clothes side of my closet. With my shoes.
above my clothes is my collection of stuff. The bottles were either presents from friends (full when given, obviously :3), or just bottles that I liked that look cool. High school Year books, a Hiei figurine from my brother-in-law because he used to be my favorite anime character, a Riku figurine from my sister because I LOVE HIM, and the batman candy dispenser and small figurine were gifts from friends. The Batman picture was drawn by a friend, the hat was given to me ages ago by my Papa (who is now dead), and beneath that is a Yuki-in-rat-form beanie. I don't know if you can see it well, but there's small race car under Riku, that my friends and I got while we were pretending to do a scavenger hunt at night. We went to random places and asked if they had random items, and that was the one I got. :3
ON the other side of the closet is my book collection. 75% are textbooks or other learning books. But what I'm really proud of, is at the top. That line of navy-blue books is the entire collection of Shakespeare. ♥
My hardly-ever-used dresser with various now-cleaned-off stuff. Blue Ikea chair with Elliot on it. In the bottom-left corner is William, my amazing swiss backpack, and a BKE satchel that I got from Buckle.
Various sea-shells from vacations, and Feng shui rocks from a friend.
The fire-hazard portion of my room :3 you put triangle incense in the mouth of the dragon, and the smoke comes out it's nostrils.
Various asian-esque things given to me by friends and family.
Letter opener from my sister :> I love dragons ♥
My stuffed animals. All of them. From my childhood to now ♥. I never liked dolls, and got these instead.
AND LAST BUT CERTAINLY NOT LEAST, MY HUGE-ASS STUFFED DOG. THIS THING, IS HUGE. I lurve it, though it takes up a lot of room ♥♥♥
My sister is also out of town, so I stole one of her dresses. She hadn't wanted me to wear it when i asked her on Sunday, so I wore it today. The only reason she didn't want me to wear it, was because it didn't fit her anymore, and she didn't want it to fit me. She's used to me being the heaviest person in the family (and I'm not heavy. I'm on the skinny side of average, but that's big compared to sisters who are almost 6ft and weigh 130lbs), but she's gained weight, and I don't think she wants to know that she is actually about my size now. Though I have a smaller torso than her >:3