I really need to write up some easy, free bulky yarn patterns for my stuff- I keep getting emails asking "what can I make with XX yards of XYZ?" And I keep sending out the same ideas, but I think for some people it's just easier to follow a pattern than come up with their own pattern (hell, for some stuff, I'm the same way. I could never cook without a recipe!!)
Anyway, my boss finally got back to me about benefits, and I get them starting Jan. 1st. ALSO, my dear husband got a promotion and a raise at work! HOORAY FOR MIKE! He's now an organizer. Cool. He organizes stuff for SOCIAL JUSTICE AND SOCIAL CHANGE!! W00t! Very cool. He also wants to implement a web-based political action thingy for his organization, which is where everything is heading.
I'm so tired. I finally fell asleep last night at about... 3am? I also forgot to set my alarm, and I woke up at 9:10. Hee hee hee... I was late to work!
I spent all day today on ONE CHAPTER. ONE. !!!
I get to go to Wegmans tonight to get dessert for my lovely dinner with
maereth tomorrow!!! That is going to be awesome. We've never really hung out, but have been reading each other's journals for like a year (all thanks to
eruantale!!. I have yarn for her, too!