Hello =)

May 20, 2008 23:19

Name: Tara
Location: Toms River, New Jersey
Age: 22
List: my list

About Me: (talk about yourself, likes, dislikes, what inspires you, goals, etc.)

If you ask my friends to describe me they would say that I am quirky and kind. I like to think that is fairly accurate. =) I'm current in college part-time studying to become a nurse. In addition to this I work part-time (though with my hours it's pretty much full-time) as a pharmacy technician. In my spare time, whatever little I have of it, I absolutely love to read and listen to music. They are my passions. My main goal in life is just to be happy and successful. I am inspired by books, music, and my family and friends.

About My List: (talk about your list, what kind of things do you want to do, what inspires your list, etc.) '

My list is kind of random. It contains a bunch of things, from fun/silly to pretty serious, that I really want to do at some point in my life. When you look at it you'll notice that I have a lot of travel goals...I really want to see as much of the world as I can!


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