FMA High School AU Fics: "Fullmetal Glee" and "Just Ask Her!"

May 17, 2011 16:03

Both of these fics were written for fma_fic_contest, and they're both highschool AU fics, as the respective prompts were "Highschool AU" and "Crossover". The crossover fic is with Glee, haha. Both fics are fairly silly. xD

Please enjoy! <3


Title: Fullmetal Glee
Series: FMA (any) and Glee
Characters: Ed, Al, Winry, Paninya, and Glee cast
Rating: PG-13, for language
Word Count: 760
Summary: Al, Ed, Paninya, and Winry join the Glee Club in Lima, Ohio.
Author's Notes: I really wanted to do a Glee/FMA crossover, but I just didn't spend enough time on it to make it work. :P  I think I can also say with some assurance that this is probably the first FMA/Glee crossover ever. Enjoy! xD

It was the last day Al had to convince his brother. He had already been pestering him this entire week, and had badgered him again this morning. Now it was the beginning of 5th period, lunch, and he had resorted to begging. But at least he, Winry, and Paninya had been able to corner him at his locker.

“Come on, Ed, please?” Al asked, putting on his best winning smile.

“No way in hell,” Ed grumbled.

“Oh, don’t be such a pussy,” Winry cut in. “I’m doing it.”

“I’m a pussy if I do.”

“No, you’re not. You could totally score. Brittany’s not dating anyone, she’s cute….” Al prodded.

“She’s also dumb. She thought a square root was a vegetable.”

Paninya smacked the top of his head. “Don’t be an ass. She’s sweet.”

Ed rolled his eyes, slamming his locker door shut. “Whatever.”

“Well, I’m signing you up anyway,” Winry said, primly walking over to the sign-up sheet taped up on the wall a few lockers down.

“Win… don’t…” Ed pleaded.

Al patted his brother’s shoulder. “Too late.”

Ed groaned. “My reputation is going to die.”

Al ad Paninya both snorted.

“And what reputation is that? You mean your one as a science geek?” Al said sardonically.

“Yeah, really,” Winry chuckled, coming back from the sign-up sheet. “And anyway, you knew you were fighting a losing battle. Al was just asking you to be nice.”

“You guys really, really suck,” Ed complained.


“Alright!” Mr. Shuester said, clapping his hands together. “Let’s all say hello to our newest Glee Club members!”

Al, Winry, and Paninya beamed at their peers while Ed gave a halfhearted wave.

“So thanks to Ed, Al, and Winry here, we now have enough students to qualify for regionals!” Mr. Schuester announced.

The Glee Club cheered and broke into a song about happiness and feelings.

Ed groaned. This was going to be a long semester.


By the time Ed and Al had gone home, eaten dinner, and done their homework, Ed was still complaining.

“Why’d you even want us to join anyway?”

“Because they needed three more people, and Paninya asked Winry, but then they still needed two more people, and no one else wanted to join, so… And besides, how hard can singing and dancing be?”

“But… but why?”

Al sighed. “Why can’t you be smart like Winry?”

Ed shot his brother a befuddled look. “What? I’m way smarter than that bitch!”

Al rolled his eyes. “It’s because… Because I kind of like Paninya, OK?”

Ed continued to look befuddled. “But… But you’re only 10! You can’t start liking girls yet!”

“I’m 15, Ed.”

“Oh, oh right…” Ed muttered, looking dazed.

“Plus maybe now you and Winry can finally get together,” Al said conversationally.

“WHAT?” Ed spun around so fast he stumbled a bit. “Where did THAT come from?”

Al laughed, clicking off the lights to their room. “You are clueless. 'Night, Ed.”


“And I said, ‘Heeeelllllllll to the no!'” Mercedes was saying as Ed and Al walked into the music room for Glee the next afternoon.

“What a dick!” Paninya exclaimed disapprovingly, as Winry shook her head in disgust.

“What’s going on?” Al asked, slightly bemused.

“They’re talking about boys, duh,” Santana said, rolling her eyes.

“Oh…. Right,” Al frowned. “Not about me though, right…?”

Quinn rolled her eyes too. “Why does every boy always think we’re talking about them specifically?”

“Because they’re all arrogant assholes?” Santana supplied.

Ed and Al exchanged their brotherly “Dude, she’s a bitch” look.

“OK, is everyone here?” Mr. Schuester asked, walking into the room.

“All are present!” Rachael reported brightly.

“Mr. Schuester, Winry and I have a song we’d like to perform, is that OK?” Paninya asked.

“Of course! Let’s see what you girls got!”

Winry and Paninya promptly got up to sing and dance to P!nk’s “U + UR Hand”. Inevitably, all the girls of Glee (and Kurt) joined in, leaving all the boys of Glee shifting uncomfortably in their chairs. Ed shiftily adjusted his jacket over his jeans, trying desperately not to turn beet red. Who knew Glee Club would be way more intense than Chemistry Club?


“You know, I think I can actually handle being in Glee Club,” Ed told Al the next day in the restroom, wiping the slushie off his shirt.

“Told you it wouldn’t be so bad,” Al replied, shaking the slushie out of his hair.

“Do we have practice tonight?” Ed asked, trying to keep the hopefulness out of his voice.

“Yeah,” Al said, grinning.

Ed grinned back. “Excellent.”


Title: Just Ask Her!
Word Count: 1,475
Series: AU, present day
Characters: Al, Mei, Ling, Winry, Ed, Hohenheim
Rating: PG-13, for language
Summary: In which Ling and Mei are foreign exchange students, Ed has a crush on Winry, and Hohenheim makes pancakes.
Warnings: A healthy overdose of fluff and cheese.
Notes: Awesome prompt is awesome! It could have been a lot longer, I think, which tempts me to write more fics in this universe. xD  In any case, enjoy!

“He’s driving me insane,” Ed grumbled to Al one morning, while Ling was still in the shower.

“Ed, he’s only been here for a few weeks! You don’t even know anything about him yet,” Al scolded.

“Who wants paaancakes?” A cheerful voice called from the kitchen.

“Coming!” Al yelled as he and Ed tromped downstairs.

Their father, Van Hohenheim, wearing a pink "Kiss the Cook" apron, was setting plates on the table as they came in. A widely known and highly respected scientist, Van more or less scheduled his own work hours. When Ed and Al were younger he had been obsessed with his work, and he hardly paid them any attention, even after their mother, his wife, had died. But after winning the Nobel Peace Prize for his research a few years ago, he seemed to finally be ready to fulfill his role as Ed and Al’s dad; a role which he now took on with even more zeal than his research.

The three made light chat as they chomped down on pancakes. Ed had almost forgotten about the bad mood he had woken up with this morning, but then…

“Good morning!” Ling said heartily as he strode into the kitchen.

“Ling!” Van said in an equally hearty tone. “Come have some pancakes!”

“Pancakes? So it is a dessert, then? For breakfast? You Americans and your sweets!” Ling laughed as he swung into the chair next to Ed and began gobbling down the plate Hohenheim had set down for him.

After they finished, the three boys brought their dishes to the sink, pulled on their respective sweatshirts and hoodies, slid into their shoes, and trekked outside.

The neighborhood they resided in could definitely be considered upper-middle class; big, spacious houses with luscious, trimmed lawns. Although Van and his sons could easily afford to live in an even larger house, the community was friendlier and it was closer to the private school Ed, Al, and now Ling, attended.

Ed unlocked the fire-engine red 1982 Toyota Chaser. Winry had helped him fix it up last summer. As friends. And the final result… It was nothing short of beautiful.

Ed had to refrain himself from twitching when Ling jumped into the front seat. When Al had brought up the foreign exchange program their school was promoting, Ed had thought that hosting a student from another country could be interesting… That and Winry was really enthusiastic about the program too, and had also signed up for it. And Dad had been only too eager to agree, signing all the necessary forms.

What he hadn’t betted on was getting stuck with an obnoxious teen with an equally obnoxious ego who loved to poke into other people’s business. For an entire school year… and his senior year no less.

Al and Ling talked about various hot movie stars while Ed searched through radio stations. They pulled up to the high school within ten minutes, mostly thanks to Ed's tendency to speed.

The three were no sooner out of the car when a familiar voice called, “Hey!”

It was Winry Rockbell, and tagging along right behind her was the freshman foreign exchange student she was currently hosting, a girl named Mei Chang, who also happened to be Ling’s cousin.

“Hey, how was your weekend?” Ed asked as Winry and Mei met up with the boys.

“Good!” Winry answered brightly as the five of them started walking towards the school. “Mei and I visited Grandma.”

Winry’s grandmother, Pinako Rockbell, was a tough little old lady who ran an auto parts shop out in the country. Winry had inherited her love of cars and all things mechanical from Grandma Pinako, and visited her at least once a month.

“It was much fun!” Mei put in enthusiastically.

“I didn’t know you liked cars, Mei,” Al commented politely.

Winry laughed. “Oh, it wasn’t the cars she interested in… it was the animals.”

The boys stared at the two girls until Winry explained; “Grandma’s dog, Den, just had puppies.”

“And there were kittens too,” Mei said fondly.

“You like cats? Did you see the old brown one? That one’s mine,” Al said earnestly.

“Oh, yes, he was the cutest,” Mei smiled. “What did you name him?”

Ed snorted. “Muffin,” he sniggered. “He named it Muffin.”

“I was four!” Al said, indignant, face turning red. “And he’s better than your stupid cat!”

“Yeah, right! Rocket could beat Muffin’s ass any day!”

“I had no idea Americans were so enthusiastic about felines,” Ling said bemusedly.

“Not every American,” Winry assured him, as Ed and Al continued to bicker.

“But cats are adorable!” Mei protested. “How could one not love them?”

“Just because you’re obsessed with them…” Ling said teasingly, eyeing Mei’s Hello Kitty backpack.

As the five entered the school, they each went to their designated lockers and classrooms.

Unfortunately, Ed couldn’t concentrate at all during his first period English class, which he shared with Winry.

He was planning to ask her out, because it just so happened that Winry was currently single. And Ed got the feeling that maybe she wanted to go to the Homecoming dance this Saturday.

“Hey, so the Homecoming dance is coming up next month.”

“Dancing is so much fun, don’t you think, Ed?”

“Oh wow, can you believe the dance is only in a couple of weeks?”

He had decided. He would ask her today, during lunch.

…Or actually, maybe after school. Yes, that would be best.

The school day moved painfully slow for Ed. By the time it was 3:00, he was a pile of nerves. In the parking lot… He would ask her in the parking lot. Not the classiest place, but hey, she liked cars, so he was sure she wouldn’t mind that much.

And he had the chance, too… Winry was waiting for everyone by herself, right on the curb of the school’s parking lot. He took a deep breath. Now or never.

“Hey, Winry!” He strode up to her, face tomato red. “Let’s go to the dance together!”

Winry’s face turned just as red. But then she put her hands on her hips and said, “It’s about damn time! Do you know how many boys I’ve had to turn down in the last few weeks?” Little did Edward know that she had been turning down boys before every dance since freshman year, in hopes that Edward would ask her out. And every time she had been disappointed, and had ended up going with someone else.

Ed was shocked. “So… that’s a yes?”

Winry sniffed. “Yes.”

Ed thought his face might break from how hard he was smiling.


They stared, grinning at each other stupidly until they were interrupted by the approach of Ling, Al, and Mei.

“Sorry it took so long!” Mei apologized. “I forgot my history textbook in my locker….”

She faltered as she noticed the dazed looks on Ed and Winry’s faces. She grinned.

“Ohmygod, he asked, didn’t he?” Mei squealed, grabbing Winry’s arm and jumping up and down. “This is so exciting! Alphonse just asked me today at lunch… Now my stupid cousin just has to find a girl and we can all triple-date!”

Ling frowned, apparently not liking being left out. “Well, I was thinking of that girl, Ran-Fan. She’s Chinese too, isn’t she?

Mei scoffed. “Ling, we come all the way to America and you just want to date another Chinese girl? There are plenty of those at home!” She waved dismissively. “You should date someone exotic and foreign!”

“I didn’t realize you just said ‘yes’ because I was ‘exotic and foreign’. I thought it was because of my good looks and charm,” Al said dryly.

Mei blushed, but giggled all the same. No sooner had she cracked a smile when a terrifying thought struck her. She grabbed Winry’s arm again, her eyes wide with fear. “Winry…” She said weakly. “I don’t have a dress…”

Winry looked as horrified as Mei. “Neither do I! The mall!” She exclaimed desperately. The two darted off across the parking lot, both girls jabbing their friends’ numbers into their cell phones for back-up.

Ed shook his head. “Girls are crazy,” he stated.

Ling and Al both nodded solemnly. They began walking back to the car, all three boys knowing full well that while Mei and Winry and Ran-Fan fussed over dresses and hairstyles and make-up, they would all wait until the last minute to rent and borrow tuxes, and maybe pause for a moment to comb their hair.

Ed, all the way home, and for the rest of the day, was on a cloud. Winry had said yes… Nothing else mattered at the moment. Ling had even offered to give him dating tips, as he apparently had loads of experience (or so he claimed).

Maybe this year wasn’t going to be so bad, after all.

fanfiction, fullmetal alchemist

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