Well now, wasn't that fun?

Nov 25, 2007 23:39

Everyone else have a good weekend there? Yeah? Hope so, certainly.

Mine, personally, was... oh... pretty darn fantastic. shadowbyrd and I went to the Memorabilia Show at the Birmingham NEC.

Gareth David Lloyd happened to be there as well. (Happened, I say, as if I didn't plan the whole thing upon seeing his name on the guest list...)

Boy oh boy did we have a good time. :D

Okay, so I only have three photos of Gareth. But they're good ones. (Though I'll have to ask shadowbyrd's permission before I post the one of her with him... ;) )

Not as big as DragonCon, but not far off the number of people, to be honest, over the two days. Dave Prowse (Darth Vader in body, if you didn't know) was certainly quite impressed. Had a decent chat with him, actually. I only dropped by to say hi because I met him at DragonCon, but he seemed glad of a non-Star Wars conversation. :) Bless him, he's lovely.

And there were a fair few people in costume! Nothing on D*C, of course, but still some very impressive ones wandering around:

These guys were very cool. It's always an impressive look, but they went for the expressions too. ;)

Dalek! There was, of course, someone inside this one, though s/he wasn't very talkative. Just scared the living daylights out of people who didn't know s/he was in there. ;) Always a good move, and you don't get that at D*C, mostly because it's nigh on impossible to get a functioning Dalek over there... ^_^

There were quite a few Captain Jacks, actually. :) Some very good costuming going on.

A fair few Jedi/Sith wandering the stalls as well, and pretty much every kind of Imperial Armour was on display as well as on sale:

I missed most of the others. Didn't take that many photos. (After meeting Gareth once I was in too much of a fangirly puddle on the floor to do much other than blush and squee, as shadowbyrd will testify... I got better at dealing with his presence on the return visit. And the one after that. And the one after that. And... Yeah, not obsessed at all. *headdesk*)

See? Normal shade of skin and everything. (My devil-eyes are unavoidable, even with the occasional attempt at red-eye reduction. Dang, I'm writing that fic. :D) That must have been the third time we (I say we, shadowbyrd did sneak back without me to get my Christmas present while I was still recovering from the first meeting - it did take a while, and even longer when she came back and said, "You know, he sounds really nice when he says your name", at which point I was just puddle again. Cruel girl. ;) ) went up, after I'd bought some... er... perhaps not entirely official framed pictures of him for him to sign. :) By that point I'd managed to recover...

And the lurking nearby to say farewell near the end of the show did have its benefits - we managed to be on hand when the Stormtrooper squadron asked ever so politely if they could menace him. :D

Oh my lord, the expression on his face. If I hadn't had to be steady on my feet to take a photo I'd've had to sit down or possibly just keel over. *fangirls* ^_^' I'm a bad case now. I wasn't anywhere near as girly and swoony before I met him. He's just so darn nice in person... In every possible way...

Oh. And we were menaced by Stormtroopers too:

And we hugged the Dalek. ;)

Yeah. Fantastic day. I got myself a sonic screwdriver (the UV light + psychic paper one! My first sonic screwdriver, too! Yays!), I was a terrible influence on my beloved shadowbyrd and she went and bought a few Old School Who videos, we met the Red Dwarf crew (the Cat turned up after all, even though he wasn't on the guest list! Yays!) and we saw Greg Grunberg from Heroes (Matt the cop) but didn't get photos with or autographs, 'cause he was charging a lot.

Such a good day. Just about perfect. I can't think of anything wrong with it apart from us missing our flatmate at the station on the way back.

And see this photo?

I'm so writing that fic. Then I can post the pic again under the cut, with "inspired by this"... ;) More blatant excuse. ^_^


I now have many GDL autographs and pictures to decorate my room with, and plenty of (completely and totally legal, of course, *coughnotcough*) merchandise to boot. Ooh. There are Official (legal!) Torchwood playing cards! I got my set for £2. ;) Only one pic of GDL on his own, I think, but plenty of JB. Few if any of Naoko. :(

I'm sure I'll stop giggling and dancing at some point. :)

Fic inspired by that pic thus far:
Headhunting - by crabby_lioness
And Part Two

Trouble On The Plas - by todd_loves_mc
And Part Two
And Part Three
And Part Four NC-17 warning!
And Part Five NC-17 warning!

pictures, updates, torchwood

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