Well, ain't that just peachy.

Nov 21, 2007 02:51

Please excuse me, I'm in tears.

My trusty USB drive, which has been through so very much with me, and suffered so beautifully at my hands, has at last turned round and stabbed me in the back. Painfully.

It's corrupted a lot of my files. In various different and interesting ways. It's had a good go at my pictures, deciding not to allow me to see some, while instead turning others into blocks of translucent green or purple dashed over the actual image. But I can live with that. Most of the important stuff escaped, I think, and I had a lot on my photobucket.

It's what it's done to the Word documents that really bothers me.

You see, it's deleted some at random. Wait, hold on, that's okay, that's fine, it deleted old stuff that I backed up on the laptop (and I always thought that backing up was meant to work the other way round. Back up the laptop on the USB and all that) and hadn't got round to altering yet.

It's eaten the first half of some others - new files, at that. My Come As You're Not (the Ianto/Gwen) for example. The alternative version of part of my university coursework, for example. Both, fortunately, are salvagable - Ianto/Gwen is in full on here, and the beginning of the coursework got printed out, while the bit in the middle that's been turned into gobbledegook (of the symbols and !£^)^djhv ^£$)gd@?a variety, with a few boxes and ovals thrown in for good measure) is actually still in the secondary version and can be transferred back. That's okay. I can live with that. No problem.

However, it has turned one of my fanfic100 fics into the letter "y" endlessly repeated, for the most part. Again, the second half survives, and has been snatched away to a new, safe harbour, and I've found a very old backed up beginning of it to restore and re-re-rebeta for the second time, if I can remember what I changed about it. *sigh*

And that's still not the worst of it.

I had works in progress.

LONG works in progress.

7 thousand word plus works in progress and nowhere near the end but it didn't matter because I had the entire plot typed out in italics at the start to refer back to at any given point.

Those two are no more.

They are, in their entirety, the letter "y". I keep repeating it to myself, actually, and wonder if my USB is being sadistically mocking by writing it out so many times.

They are new files.

They had not yet been backed up.

I realise now that this is foolish, and I should be saving in at least two places after every single "$&^%(- sentence. Of course. Why did I not see this simple and obvious fact before. Truly, I must have been blind to the ways of life and USBs.

I am a little angry. You are probably able to tell.

So, dear Torchwood friends. Enjoy "Come Walk The Hub With Me". It had a very narrow escape. And mourn those two fics you'll never read, because I can't remember precisely how they began or how the plot danced its way to where it was, and quite frankly the idea of starting them again from the beginning is currently sitting down elegantly at a very posh dinner table and calmly hacking my soul into bite-size chunks.

There are words that can adequately describe this situation. But my friends and family sometimes swing by here, and they have a certain idea of my genteel and calm nature. I wouldn't want to destroy their illusions.

Besides which, I've sworn off swearwords stronger than "dang" unless it's in fic. I may have to get Owen angry. Then quote him loudly and repeatedly. That would be about acceptable.

Goodnight, dear reader. I'm going to go and sob into my pillow now.

And today was going so well otherwise...

updates, university, rants, torchwood

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