So explain to me... (Part two)

Aug 06, 2007 13:58

This is mostly because I'm intrigued and vaguely confused, so I'm asking you lot to help me out.

Explain to me, please, as politely as you can manage (I'm not here for a fight), exactly why you ship Jack/Gwen. Why do you think it works?

See, it doesn't work for me. I'll happily acquiesce to the suggestion of Jack/Ianto, Jack/Tosh, Ianto/Tosh, maybe even Owen/Ianto at a stretch, and every canon pairing that's even danced past is understandable... But Jack/Gwen I have real trouble with (I'm of the firm opinion that they have a very strong friendship and nothing more), and I want to understand why people ship them together.

So tell me. Try and convert me. I'm a multi-ship shipper (honest!) and stranger things have happened. (Can't think of any right now, but I'm sure they have...)

(Also, convince me Gwen is a good character.)

prompt me, torchwood

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