Mar 07, 2020 17:29
All tags used in this journal:
fic - primeval,
ask me,
fic - doctor who,
help me lali you are my only hope,
fic - beowulf,
nothing at all,
fic - writerinadrawer,
fic - jantolution,
prompt me,
fic - fanfic100,
fic - torchwood,
fic - original,
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I have some experience with editing/proofreading, and am extremely easy-going about what I'll read. It does not have to be to my taste for me to understand that it's well-written or to pick up on what it needs. I should admit I know nothing about Old Who, but have seen all of New Who and Torchwood up to what's been on BBC America. I'm not uber-geeky with the sciency details, but I'm good with plot, flow, characterization, grammar and sentence structure. I'm a supportive but honest beta, understand that a lot of it is subjective, and will be completely at peace with you ignoring some or all of my advice.
What I'm looking for is similar, as well as some brit-picking. I'm not too bad, having watched lots of BBCA and read lots of Adams, Pratchett and Gaiman, but I want to make sure the pesky Americanisms stay out (except where Jack is concerned of course.)
My story is Torchwood-centric, with a cameo by the Tenth Doctor and featuring a few of the heroes and gods of ancient Wales. It will be my first attempt at Torchwood/Dr. Who. I have been primarily writing Stargate: Atlantis with a couple Sandman/Discworld crossovers. If you want an idea of my writing style, my posted fiction is located on my LJ userinfo page in my memories, specifically under "my SGA." I've chosen not to link it, not out of laziness, but at the risk of seeming pushy.
Good luck with your fic, and don't feel bad about saying no to me if it doesn't seem like a good fit.
I was contacted by a couple of people about betaing way back then, but neither of them's been in touch since, so... well, maybe. (: I've got good at procrastinating rather than working these days...
And I confess right here and now I don't normally use a beta at all. (And my BigBang is woefully behind schedule at the moment...) Though heaven knows I could probably use a hand with the plot/flow/characterisation aspects every now and again.
Soo... On consideration... Yeah, why not? I'll do my best to get things done quickly. And if I'm no good at Brit-picking then I shall be horribly ashamed of myself, being English and all that.
That any use? (:
I figure once we sweat our way through this draft submittal on Saturday, we can talk about a doc exchange. My email is cat_latin at rock dot com.
And I'm always available at: laligin [at] hotmail [dot] com. Feel free to email me any time you like. :)
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