LOL I've been her online stalker for quite some time and she finally asked me to be friends! Isn't that great? :P
Let's celebrate with a cute Patrick animation
- Speaking of Patrick,
here's the poof that he is just so cute and hugable.
Okay, I'll stop fangirling now. Oh! And I'm using a new Patrick icon. Since I have no more userpic spaces (¬¬), I had to say goodbye to the
Trickcake one.
- I took my dog to vet again today. The doctor took the vandages off and she looks fine! I'm so happy but I'm also a bit worried because I'm certain that she will keep on scratching :(
- Still trying to make fashion icons. I'm doing well, I just don't know if I should add text to them because pretty much all the icons I've seen so far are mute. And I can't really think of anything cool to add. If you have any ideas, I'm all ears and eyes.
- Also, I've been thinking of doing a/some icon battle/s. The lovely Juli was going to make one with me but her computer crashed down. So if any of you is interested, just tell me. I think I'm leaving next week so you'll have time to think about it and look for pictures.
I write too much, bye now