Code Monkey's Like Smuttles... Code Monkey's Like Tab And Mountain Dew!

Sep 26, 2008 12:29

Title: Stay.
Fandom: Code Monkeys
Pairing: Dave/Jerry
Rating: NC-17
Description: B-movies & Alcohol. Nuff said...
Words: 931
Note: For doilyhands cause she said I should write a Code Monkeys fic to a G.O.D song. "Stay The Night" Came to mind >D (It's Song 8)... Luffles you Mi-leigh!

And yeah... it might suck. I'm really tired and everything just kinda fell straight out of my brain with very little filtration. Raw smut-age from my brain. It's still steaming... enjoy XD

Jerry stared down at Dave who’d taken the liberty of falling asleep on his shoulder. Dave had invited him over to watch a cheesy B-movie marathon complete with alcohol, weed and Doritos… they were sitting in the dark, nestled on Dave’s couch bed.

He didn’t want to wake him up but it was already getting late and sleeping like that was going to hurt Dave’s neck. So he shook Dave’s hand gently and slowly he awoke.

“What is a dime sack, Alex?” Dave stirred, bringing his head straight up and suddenly bringing his and Jerry’s face very close together. Jerry blushed.

“I… I should probably get going and you need to go to bed.” He stammered and got up quickly.

Dave chuckled, licking his lip…he could still taste cranberry rum and pot on them.

“Who said anything about you going anywhere, tonight?” Dave went to get up and staggered as if he were going to fall and in an instant Jerry was next to him, holding him up.

“Dave, you’re insanely drunk and high. You need to go to bed.” Jerry smiled weakly, trying to play off Dave’s blatant come on.

“If I weren‘t I couldn‘t say this--“ Dave threw and arm around Jerry’s neck and pulled him close. So close he could feel the heat of Dave’s lips against his. For a moment Dave’s eyes were perfectly clear and showed a depth of understanding and emotion that Jerry didn’t think was possible in the usually aloof man.

“I really want to be with you.” Dave didn’t give Jerry time to react before pressing their lips together and instantly he pressed deeper into the kiss, pushing past Jerry’s lips with his tongue and sharing the sweet musk of pot tinged breath between them.

Jerry’s mind swam as he nearly passed out, forgetting to breathe. Dave finally released him and Jerry had no clue how they ended up in Dave’s bedroom. He hadn’t remembered taking steps.

“D…Dave… I… I don’t think…” Jerry sputtered, his entire body shivering at Dave’s touch.

“Good…Don’t think… Just go with the flow.” Dave whispered against Jerry’s neck as he quickly pulled his jacket and shirt both over his head and tossed them to the ground before pushing Jerry down on his bed and throwing his own shirt to the ground before joining him.

Jerry took the breath to argue but used it instead to yell out in surprise when Dave leaned in over him, biting Jerry’s shoulder and grinding his palm over Jerry’s crotch. Jerry’s body seized up, pushing into the sudden touch which made him gasp even harder. His fingers slid into Dave’s hair as Dave sucked on Jerry’s collar bone and slid his hand under the brim of Jerry’s pants before stroking Jerry again. Another arch of sudden and intense pleasure pooled in Jerry’s stomach and he pulled Dave’s hair until Dave looked up at him. He’d had every intention of arguing with him, of making him stop… but he could feel the burning mark Dave had already left on his chest and the aching fire already building in his pants… his breath was ragged and fell over trembling lips.

He pulled Dave to his lips and bit Dave’s lip harshly as if it were a seal to some secret contract between them.


Jerry arched and his head fell back against the support of Dave’s arm. Dave thrusted upward again and Jerry gasped and moaned Dave’s name, digging his fingers into Dave’s shoulders.

Jerry rolled his hips forward trying desperately to feel him as much as possible and Dave couldn’t help but smile and take the moment to take in his delicious image of his usually timid and introverted friend being so openly forthcoming and downright needy!… it was fucking hot! Dave moved quicker and harder and licked his lips when Jerry suddenly moved one of Dave’s hands to his unattended shaft and started stroking himself with Dave’s hand.

They both moaned and moved quicker…harder… the squeaking protests of the bed only seemed to add fuel to an already out of control fire. Jerry’s head fell forward onto Dave’s shoulder as he sighed and panted heavily into Dave’s ear, “I… I’m about… to…”

Dave licked his lips again and held Jerry close, supporting him so Jerry no longer had to move. He could feel the spasms in Jerry’s body intensifying and his own body seemed to react in kind, growing hotter and less precise in movement. The rush to simply drown in Jerry’s body overtook him and within a few short moments they both felt the blinding wash of heat melt the edges of reality around them. Dave refused to stop, fighting his body and pushing farther and beyond any orgasm he’d ever had in his life.

And when they both finally collapsed with Jerry nestled against Dave’s chest passed out and Dave not even sure he’d ever be able to orgasm again… he smiled, and brushed the hair out of Jerry’s eyes. He wanted to move him, wanted to clean them both up just in case Jerry did wake up in the morning and freak… but it took every bit and all the strength he had left just to pull Jerry off of him and settle him in bed next to him. Jerry seemed perfectly content to lying next to Dave, one arm thrown carelessly over his waist and using Dave’s arm for a pillow. He even looked like he was smiling slightly.

So Dave just pulled the sheet up over them and yawned falling into the most peaceful sleep of his life.

smut, jerry, dave, code monkeys

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