omgwtfficcage!! XD

Aug 21, 2008 04:21

Title: Perks Of The Job.
Fandom: Speed Racer
Pairing/Characters: Inspex, Inspeed, Taejo
Rating: R (Implied smut… nothing graphic)
Description: Inspector’s The Kind Of Man That Gets More Than His Fair Share Of Satisfaction From His Job. Whether He’s In The Office, An Interrogation or At Home.
Words: 1494
1. I should be ashamed that I give the Racer bros the same taste in men.
2. I should be ashamed that in most of my fics Speed ends up being a total sex kitten.
3. I should be ashamed that I’m such a big tease >D
4. I should be ashamed that I wrote Inspector the way I did in general… but truly… on all accounts. I feel no shame XD
5. I truly do believe Inspector would kick Taejo’s ass if he could XD I imagine Inspector looks at betrayal as something death worthy +_+ Harsh… but I can totally see it in him. I’ll blame Nauti and her Badass!Inspector for that XD

Inspector Detector devoted his entire life to his job. It had nothing to do with his life outside of his job being bad or anything typical and overly critical like most that threw themselves so deep into their careers… He just got everything he could ever need from his job and that was more than enough for him. Beyond just being a rewarding experience he found that certain perks of the job made it anything but boring and monotonous.


They met under the precursor of discussing an ongoing case. Yet there wasn’t one man in the entire CIB that bought it for a second. The noises coming from that office had NOTHING to do with criminals.

X made quick work of turning Inspector’s straight ironed suit into a crumpled heap on the floor, preferring the look Inspector gave X while pinned against his own desk to the one he gave while sitting behind the same desk, hands folded neatly on the polished wood.

Inspector pulled X’s mask off just in time to see the reaction in X’s eyes when he started to slide Inspector’s pants down only to find nothing underneath them but taut skin and a devilish grin on Inspector’s face as he pulled himself up to X’s ear to give his only explanation… a simply, yet incredibly sexy ‘Oops’ whispered heavily before tracing his tongue down X’s neck.

Before they were through there wasn’t a piece of furniture or wall in that office that hadn’t been used to further their ambitions. They laid on the floor clearing the stars from their eyes and Inspector pulled X’s mask off, not being able to remember at what point he’d ended up wearing it.

When X left the office Inspector was still buttoning his shirt back up, his pants were up but loose and his hair was disheveled so that when one of the new upstarts walked in and dropped everything he was holding, Inspector had to try very VERY hard not to laugh.


Inspector stood outside of the door for several moments, finding composure when all he wanted to do was punch the man’s teeth out. With a sigh and a clenched jaw he entered the room where Taejo Togokhan sat eyeing him slyly.

“You know I don’t have to talk. I have excellent lawyers.” Taejo’s grin deepened as already he could see Inspector was flustered

“If that were true then you honestly wouldn‘t be here. You’re scared they won’t come through for you and so you’re taking out a little extra insurance by being here, am I wrong?”

“I’m here because what I have to say either makes or breaks your precious little case. You need me.” Taejo laughed but stopped when Inspector’s eyes narrowed dangerously.

“No, I can either get the truth here or through plate glass. I don’t think neon orange would look good on your Mr. Togokhan.” Inspector smirked slightly seeing the first touch of fear cross Taejo’s face.

“…I came here to make a deal. Information… for amnesty.” Taejo looked around now, not able to handle the look on Inspector’s face.

“Well you see, that’s technically where I’m left holding all the cards and you should be kissing my ass. All I do is say the word and you go down with the rest of the cronies as an accomplice.” Inspector smiled coldly, leaning across the table, “At this point, bear in mind that I don’t like you very much. You screwed me over, put two of my friends’ lives at risk and now you have the audacity to sit in front of me and say you want a deal!?” Inspector slammed his fist on the desk, “I should let you rot in hell. But my decision remains to be seen. It all depends on how good the information you give me is.” He gave a wry smile as he backed off, Taejo looked pale and his hands were clenched in front of him. Inspector decided to give him a few minutes to let it all sink in and stepped out of the room.

Speed and X both on separate occasions had come to him asking to just let Taejo go as he did have circumstances beyond his control such as his sister and at the end he did willingly cooperate. While he’d never honestly considered sending the man to jail Inspector couldn’t stop his blood from boiling whenever he saw the man. If he couldn’t punch him at least he could scare the shit out of him. It made him feel a little better.

Yes, his job gave him satisfaction where it probably shouldn‘t have… such was the nature of the man behind the suit and well kept appearances.


Inspector was late getting home, thanks to X. Not that it mattered much though, it wasn’t like he had anyone waiting for him or anything. So he waltzed in announcing himself to nothing “I’m home!” Only to smile dryly at himself and go about making himself comfortable. Hat and shoes and suit jacket were lost quickly to their respective places and as he made his way towards his couch he undid his tie with one hand and nursed the rum he’d poured for himself with the other. With a contented sigh he slid his glasses off and shifted down further into the couch letting his head fall back.

“You’re home late. I was already asleep.”

Inspector jerked violently, his hand dropping his drink and instinctively going for the gun he wasn’t wearing. He hadn’t heard anything or anyone approach and he couldn’t imagine who could’ve already been in the house. As his panic cleared he looked up and he caught a breath in his chest and fumbled with his glasses for a moment when he realized he couldn’t properly focus on the young Racer. He stood at the entrance to the hallway with a thin sheet tied lazily about his waist trailing off behind him. His hair was messy and he held up a hand, blinking sleepily against the light.

“W… why… What are you doing here?” Words tried to fail him as he swallowed heavily. He became increasingly aware, as his eyes trailed over Speed’s body, that the sheet was the only thing bothering to cover him.

“Your housekeeper let me in.” Speed offered nonchalantly. He yawned, lifting his arms high above his head and stretching his body so the sheet slid dangerously low on his hip.

Inspector blinked, completely dumbfounded. True he had a keeper come by once a week, but it was mostly just cause he had them pick up his dry cleaning for him. He couldn’t believe they’d let someone in, much less leave them in the house once they left. Even if it was Speed Racer. Of course, at the moment, that was neither here nor there.

“Why are you here?” He forced himself to speak with an air of normalcy when in reality his mind was in some sort of shock induced shutdown… he didn’t even notice the slight smirk that crossed Speed’s lips when he was being less than discreet about staring.

“Well I wanted to talk, but you were so late that I got tired. I… made myself at home. Hope you don’t mind?” Speed laughed a bit, scratching his head before hitching a thumb into the fabric hanging limply around his waist.

When Inspector could find nothing else to say he shook his head and glanced down to the couch, finding that his drink hadn’t spilled but nestled itself against his leg. He quickly picked it up and downed the rest of it in a few short gulps.

“Well it’s too late to talk now.” Speed mused, trying to hide another yawn, “Are you coming to bed?” Speed smiled sleepily, not even trying to hide the obvious intent in his voice.

He didn’t even bother waiting for an answer and turned to head back towards the bedroom. He stepped on the trail of sheet still lying on the floor and it jerked loose from his waist and he stood there staring at the sheet lying on the floor as if wondering why he’d even bothered with it in the first place. He looked back at Inspector and smiled with a false modesty as he scooped up the sheet and sauntered back into the bedroom.

Inspector stood, blinking a few times and swallowing heavily again. All perks of a job he wouldn’t give up for anything in the world. It didn’t always make sense but in the end he wasn’t exactly sure he wanted it to either.

He smiled mischievously and raised an eyebrow at himself as he wondered what he was still doing standing there. He slid his tie from around his neck and tossed it over the back of the couch and didn’t even bother unbuttoning his shirt all the way before just pulling it over his head while making his way back towards the bedroom.

taejo, inspector detector, racer x, speed racer, speed

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