(no subject)

Jun 04, 2008 09:56

Title: Work as it should be.
Pairing: Speed/X, Speed/Rex
Rating: PG - NC-17
Summary: Sentence!Fic based on words I could come up with while at work. Meaning I just looked around and starting naming/scribbling down things I saw XD
Words: 858
Notes: “Bag” is totally dedicated to kyoudai_koibito & morbidmoony... they should totally know why XD

4 Speed/Rex

Fan: After a race and while standing in the winners circle a girl had ran up to Rex and thrown her arms around him in true obsessive fan girlish fashion.

“Oh my god! I’m totally your biggest fan!” She squealed and Rex smiled sheepishly, cringing slightly on the inside.

“Liar… You‘re only his fan when he‘s racin’. I‘m his number one fan ALWAYS and FOREVER!” Speed looked to be on the verge of tears, clutching onto his brother’s arm protectively. Rex smiled, looking down at Speed and ruffling his hair a bit.

Weld: Pops had taught Speed how to weld but Rex had showed him how, sliding his hands over Speed’s and guiding the torch slowly over the metal joints. After that Speed never forgot how to make the perfect weld, but still to that very day he couldn’t do it without blushing slightly.

Catwalk: Thunderhead was alive with excitement as the first race of the season was on in full swing. Mom, Pops & Rex watched completely fixated as the race heated up. Speed squirmed in his seat wishing he were closer to the action. He glanced at his family to make sure they weren’t watching and slipped away, making his way to the catwalk that overhung the speedway and climbing up onto the side railing. He could see everything from there. He could hear the roar of the car engines heading his way.

“Speed! What are you doing!? Get back here!!” Pops had yelled finally noticing him and Speed looked over, grinned like a goofball and waved wildly, loosing his balance in the process. Down he fell straight onto the Thunderhead track, just as the cars could be seen flying around the last turn.

“SPEED!” Pops had just started to get up and already Rex was leaping over the concrete barrier that separated the stands from the track. Time stood at a stand still as Speed watched the cars scream towards him as if he were on some kind of roller coaster. At least if he was going to die… it was the best way he could think of to go. Speed didn’t close his eyes until the very last second, the roar of the engine’s was deafening and Speed was certain they were right on top of him. SLAM! he felt himself be thrown and could only assume that the warmth he felt around him was his own blood and gore. It wasn’t until he realized he wasn’t in that much pain that he started realizing other things. Like the ragged gasping of breath that wasn’t his own and the feeling of something wet against his face. When he opened his eyes and saw Rex hovering over him Speed’s face lit up with happiness.

“Wow, Rex! I didn’t know you were an angel, too!” Speed giggled, completely convinced he’d died.

Rex didn’t even have the words to express how angry he was at Speed but right now he was just thanking any god that would listen that they’d both made it alive.

That was the racing world’s first glimpse of the Racer brothers.

Bag: “Why can’t I go with you Rex? Mom and Pops wouldn’t have to know! I could tuck my pillows under the cover so it looks like I’m there and I could hide in your bag!” Speed pleaded with Rex and he had to smile at the tenacity of his little brother. He could see the look on Pops’ face now as he tried to make a clean get-a-way and Speed messing everything up by saying ‘bye’ to Pops. What a conversation THAT would turn out to be.

4 Speed/X

Sweat: It was the intoxicating scents of sweat, leather and new car mixing together that finally pushed Speed Racer over the edge and he grabbed X’s face and pushed himself up onto his toes to seal the desperate kiss.

Belt: Speed had become an expert on smoothly removing X’s belt with just one hand. He’d had to find to find something else to occupy the other hand and found that eliciting sweet moans from the other man’s lips was an excellent choice.

Elevator: It had been pure coincidence that had gotten them stuck in the elevator alone. It had been the spark of kink in the younger Racer that gave them something to do to pass the time. He’d tied his red ascot around the security camera for a little privacy but nothing could block the breathless & passionate moans they made together.

Light: Speed had never really thought about what his first time would be like but he was pretty sure if he had it would’ve never involved being pinned down to the track at Thunderhead with all its intense white lights leaving NOTHING to the imagination. He’d blushed hotly when X leaned down and said he was going to ride him like the Mach 5... hard…fast…and long.

racer x, speed racer, rex, sentence fic, speed

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