Apr 29, 2013 17:35

She was TWELVE freaking days late, and was born in April rather than March, but yes, I did eventually pop that baby out.

Her name is Adara and she was born on April 2, the day before her dad's birthday, at 6am sharp. She was 6lb 11oz and her cry sounds like a little lamb. She is honestly the sweetest, chilled out, expressive baby ever. I birthed her naturally, just eight hours of labour, but had an internal haemorrhage from pushing her out and lost 1.3 litres of blood and had a third degree tear downtown that needed a million stitches. After all the effort of a drug-free birth, I ended up having an epidural afterwards so I could get stitched! Then I was confined to couch rest for about two weeks, which was awful, but I'd lost so much blood that I was too weak to even walk up the stairs or make a cup of tea. I really just day on my arse, fed & changed & played with baby.

Anywho, she's one month old on Tuesday - time flies! Again, she is brilliant. I'm totally in love.

But I know what you're most interested in: PHOTOS!

Like... 10 minutes after birth, if that.

adara, personal

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